ASW & KA Championship both have space in KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ice, Jan 12, 2022.

  1. This is exactly what the war community needs!

    100% support.
    -TheLastTrojan_ and SnowbIossom like this.
  2. Support, I recently got into wars and I find it a lot of fun. I just don’t have a lot of charms or furniture to actually compete with any of the bigger people so having a chance to join a tournament where everything is more equalized would be great
  3. When we gonna get to ASW War smh
  4. Support,

    And can we increase the penalty for those caught inactive in war? The current SS isn’t sufficient imho. Maybe those with SS can’t cast for war AND can’t hit EB for the duration of SS as well??
  5. If memory serves me right, asw is a rotating war style. Its niy always a charm war. Last year was charm war and year before was ka style
  6. Nah, both of the previous two years were indi but with hit restrictions on.
  7. #BringBackASW