Return of the Shadofael (July 2022)

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Virgo, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. Return of the Shadofael (July 2022)

    Strange events have been occurring recently throughout the land, and you've received a premonition that something bad is about to happen... Especially because the sky towards the Northwest is beginning to turn black. Something tells you that the Shadofael beasts might be making a return, and this won't be the last time you'll encounter this.


    This event consists of a Casual difficulty Legend that splits into two paths: Epic Battles and PVP. There are no rewards for completing the individual tasks. Complete BOTH paths to complete the Legend, and to earn 1 War Baron's Boxes!

    The Casual difficulty Legend will be available from Wednesday, July 20th until Wednesday, July 27th, 2022 at noon PT.

    If you find the Casual difficulty Legend to be too easy, there's a Challenge difficulty Legend awaiting you upon completing the Casual difficulty Legend! Like the Casual difficulty Legend, the Challenge difficulty Legend also splits into two paths: Epic Battles and PVP. There are no rewards for completing the individual tasks. Complete BOTH paths to complete the Legend, and to earn 2 War Baron's Boxes, 150 Aqua, and 150 Inferno!

    The Challenge difficulty Legend will be available from Wednesday, July 20th until Thursday, July 28th, 2022 at noon PT.

    Event Information

    To unlock this Legend, you must have a Shadofael Banner in your possession. Shadofael Banners can be purchased from the Marketplace for 100B gold.

    Shadofael Banner stats info:
    Thrawn likes this.
  2. Good good
  3. Thank you for the extra side event! Side events are always welcome and appreciated.

    but… please just make the war baron boxes a random drop from premium and high level ebs. It will literally take more than 10 years for anyone to ever see a max level banner with the frequency of war baron boxes based on side events alone.

    that being said, seriously thank you for the extra side events. New side events are always fun!
  4. Crap events for the sake of something "new" are still poo
  5. The rewards are blank for this side event.
  6. its a FEATURE, not a bug - designed to be exactly what it is ... Fun, huh ?
  7. There is no Shadofael banner in the marketplace that I can see? 🤔
  8. My bad, ignore this comment.
  9. It’s very strange how I dont see the rewards from Field Marshal Holm side legend! I completed the 75 hits on epic battles..
  10. Give me pvp path too! joke for fun
  11. It says open ANY boxes. I opened old zoma boxes. Nothing...
    -TheLastTrojan_ likes this.
  12. I got the 3 shadofael boxes, would be nice if admins could add another challenge for better end rewards with 3 more boxes, there is still plenty of time left until 30 July.
  13. I love the idea of having side quests and love these side quests. However the box thing is outrageous. If you do this again, maybe require a bit less boxes? Like maybe 10? I say that because sometimes people who open boxes as they get them. (Like me) also spend a few days before we get to that quest. Suddenly there’s not enough days left to easily get boxes. I’m sure there’s others who are like this. I’m not asking for any huge nerf. But just a little more reasonable requirements for this quest. Thanks for reading!
    -TheLastTrojan_ likes this.
  14. I don’t get it. I’ve completed all the side quests so far and apart from in the very first one I’ve seen no rewards at all. Just opened 14 boxes from this event and still zilch. Just went in to the next task 300 Pvp attacks. Are these supppsed to be accumulative or something? Lot of work for nothing at all so far apart from 1 Barons Box of the first quest. Can anyone enlighten me
  15. In case this helps: you have to complete all three tasks from both the pve AND pvp routes and then it will drop the legend rewards (baron boxes). Each individual task doesn't have a reward.
  16. In that case it needs to be made more clear. Pvp path step 1 etc. I don’t know when the path is over, how far there is to go. Nothing, it just throws up another task but it’s written in such a way that it makes it seem you’ve completed. It eve even registers as completed in the history.
    And if I have a choice of paths why (Pvp or Epic) then why have I got to complete everything anyway. I’m happy that there is more to do but make it clear
  17. Support. I sometimes open my free chests early and it just so happened that I opened 12 chests the day before I got to the open 15 boxes legend. Now I am forced to buy nobs if I want to complete the legend.
    -TheLastTrojan_ likes this.
  18. I’ve competed both easy and challenging legends completely so there is no legends left and only received 1 chest total.
    Is this a known issue to not receive the extra chest and 150 inferno/aqua as promised for the event?