The Sword of Baqiar Madi

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. The Sword of Baqiar Madi


    Your young Shasa recruit, Maaku, has spent a full year training under Thanna's watchful eye. He is nearly ready to join the siblinghood of Baalir, god of spies and assassins...but in order to reach his full potential as a spy for the Crown, Maaku must settle his outstanding ties and leave his past behind.

    It is time for Maaku to return to the Fatesands and seek the truth about the untimely deaths of his parents. But it seems the plot that took their lives is far from over...

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, April 13th until Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 at noon PT.

    Clan event

    This event focuses around working together with your clan! The primary legend is an individual legend, but the progress is based on your clan. The longer you stay in your clan, the more collection items-related drops you will get, which will help contribute to both your individual legend and your clan's progress for everyone else.

    In order to progress on your main collection legend, you will need to hit the player "ClanHall". This player will be pinned to the top of your battle list for the duration of this event. Hitting the clan hall will do two things:
    1. Sum up the amount of collection items your clan has collected and add it as progress to your main collection legend, up to 100x the amount of items you have
    2. Award you a drop boost to this event's collection items based on how long you've been in your clan! This caps at a max of 50%


    Please note after each tier it may appear as though your progress is "reset" to 0. However you can just hit the clan hall again and it will add whatever progress you and your clan have to the next tier's progress.

    Q: What if I want to leave my clan to go war?
    A: No worries! Leaving to go war will not reset your length of stay duration as long as you return to the same clan after your war is over.

    Q: Why does my legend progress sometimes decrease?
    A: Hitting the clan hall gives you legend progress equal to the amount of collection items your clan has. If people have left your clan, there is a chance this number will go down.

    Q: Can I still get rewards if I change clans?
    A: You can gain rewards from the main collection legend no matter what clan you're in. However you will not be able to get the leaderboard rewards unless you are in that clan at the end of the event.

    Q: How will we know if the drop boost has been applied?
    A: If you are eligible for a drop boost for staying in your clan, ClanHall will tell you when you hit it. The first boost will apply after 1 day.

    Event items

    There are some special items available that you can use to help your clan gain an edge in the event!

    EBs will drop a special item called Baqiar Coins. The drop rate for these is heavily dependent on your participation in the EB. Use this to purchase special event items!

    Baqiar Coins

    The Baalir's Ear and Baalirian Skeleton Key can be purchased in the Marketplace using Baqiar Coins and will increase the drop rate of Eavesdrop on the Baqiar Nobles and Discarded Toy respectively.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Baalir's Ear and Baalirian Skeleton Key

    There will also be 2 Stat Items that can be purchased from the Marketplace (up to a maximum of 10 each):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Shadow Serpent Statuette and Jewel of Baqiar Madi

    Event purchase bonuses

    Finally, for this event, certain purchases of NB and health crystals will come with a special box! They will be given out as follows:
    • 50 NB or 6 health crystals: Baalirian Guild Box for yourself
    • 200 NB or 32 health crystals: Baalirian Guild Box for yourself and your clan
    • 765 NB or 168 health crystals: Royal Baalirian Guild Box for yourself and your clan
    If you or someone in your clan has purchased one of the above, an announcement will be made in clan chat and the box can be found in your rewards inbox. Please note that you have 24 hours to claim it otherwise it will expire!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Baalirian Guild Box and Royal Baalirian Guild Box

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to The Sword of Baqiar Madi will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Baqiar Madi Box, and Royal Baqiar Madi Box.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Here’s hoping you adjusted the drop rates in consideration of the limitations of past clan events
  3. Neat scorpion!
  4. I’m not getting the drop boost when I hit the Clanhall? Am I missing something?
  5. You need to have items from goth and noth combined first. By open the free chest for example. then you can hit clan hall
  6. Clan event : starters guideline
    1) battle list : Hit town hall daily
    - starts ur daily check in
    - gives a percentage boost on items for every day you staying in clan.
    - Resets when you leave clan to hit eb in other clan (you also take points away that you combined in Clan).
    - Doesn’t reset when you go out for war.
    - @Start event: You can only hit clan hall when you have the first items combined. ( open free chest after first eb completion)

    2. hitting clan hall during day
    - shows how many items are combined in clan
    - It fluctuates as people open chests / go to war / jump out or in
    - When you reach a legend point then the rewards are given to you

    3. Marketplace: boosts you need to buy.
    - Buy with coins (dropped from ebs) the boosts to increase your drops. Important!
    - I always buy goth bonus first.

    - Noth boosts: Baalir’s Ear
    - Goth boosts: Baaliran Skeleton key

    4. xtal on a eb gives extra coin drops normally. So to get fast totally boosted use a xtal every eb. This will help you and ur clan.

    5. Collect x Uncover Maaku’s past with ur clan legend.
    - hit clanhall to see amounts formed in clan and collect legend reward when reach it.
    - This number can be different for people in clan. As it’s related to a % of the items you made! This is to prevent that inactive people still get the complete clan reward. So you need to make ur own combined items to get the max rewards. Hit those ebs 🥕
    - It’s not the same amount as Uncover Maaku’s Past Leaderboard! That’s the amount formed by all who ever completed ebs and formed items in clan.

    I made this one for my clan hope it helps!
  7. It updates my clan items but the bonus doesn’t appear after the attack like it does on the screenshot above. Is there a way I can get it to appear?
  8. Hmmm I not see the screenshot. I try to explain on what I think you mean .. hope I’m not completely off lol.
    Event just started and hitting clanhall for first time in event , starts the timer that you are in the clan. But gives not a direct bonus.
    After 24 hrs it will gives first % bonus ( I think if remember correct that’s the first step) .
    That % you see when you hit clanhall in the report ( so tomorrow).

    That’s different then the 2 boosts you can buy with the coins in marketplace. Those you see directly after the ebs ends in you’re newsfeed.
  9. Got it, I misunderstood how they work. Thanks 👍
  10. This event sucks!
    Getting event items out of boxes doesnt count towards the clan event hell it isnt counting period i have almost 3k but only 350 registered. That is a huge pile of BS
    MYTHOS likes this.
  11. Just finished another EB surprise surprise none of the items are counting! Do i have to drop 50k on micro transactions to get it to work? Really seems like it. I came back and was just starting to enjoy this game again but yall screwed that up nicely
  12. Nothing about what you said is true. Those arent even the items that drop from the eb to make the uncover maaku items. So idk what you got going on
  13. Uninstalled and reinstalled and game seems to be working now fingers crossed
  14. Glad it’s working now!
  15. So this is still different from the one I bought at the marketplace that would give me a boost in drops?
  16. Why do I not get as much event items as it says on the clan page?
  17. Yes there are the 2 boosts you can buy in marketplace with the coins. And there is a bonus you get when you stay longer in a clan. That’s the clan bonus. The percentage will show when you hit clan hall. It’s now still zero ( coz first day) so not visible yet.
  18. The items on the clanpage is the TOTAL formed in your clan. The leaderboard amount.
    The total you see when you hit ClanHal is the TOTAL of the event items that people have at THAT moment in clan. So this number fluctuates when people join or jump out.
    It are 2 different totals.
    nOwObs and hippy like this.
  19. I really like how the coin payouts were scaled. Actually gives some advantage to staying in your clan this time
  20. These "clan events" are hypocritical. Force most to clan hop to achieve goal, yet you call it a "clan event". That's comical
    BadRobot likes this.