Item pay out by EB

Discussion in 'Guides' started by DaPrecursor, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. I’m not sure if this has been posted before, sorry if it has… but I could t find it. Events payout one or the other items to combine for event rewards. You may be short on “one side or the other.” Here is what I’ve found to be the eb items you may be short on. Sorry if this is a duplicate in advance.

    Eb rewards

    Ghomorax of the Highlands

    A Sacrifice of Flesh

    The summoner

    The sleeping giant

    Wasteland wilds

    A cold calling

    The vipers den

    The gilded lord

    Crossing the threshold

    The barren orchard

    Scionic storm

    Talons of carnage

    City of the Dead

    The haunting



    Battle Royal

    Abandon Kingdom

    The Forgotten Ones

    The Awakening

    To The Chamber

    Cover of Night


    Neidria of the Hoarfrost

    Lignabelua of the Lowlands

    A familiar foe

    Smoke signals

    Glacial squall

    Frozen city

    Desert sting

    Storm the palace

    Cave of riches

    Terrain travails

    Sporavek’s revenge

    New growth

    Figure of death

    No Quarter

    The Destroyer

    No Mans Land


    Foreign Territories

    The Reckoning

    The Despair

    The Depraved

    Kingdom Assault

    War Beasts
  2. That’s brilliant! What would be great is for people to contribute what’s the max items you can get on each! We all know GotH gives 1395 max, while NotH gives 1845 max. Would be great to see others.
  3. I mean, the devs could do a single query and just post it. Not that I don't like people running after Ingame info for months - it's obviously the kaw way
  4. And b4 I forget, there's choccys thread.
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