April Fools..?

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Virgo, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. ✨ Revamped Epic Battles ✨


    After many moons of seriously ruling over their kingdoms and gathering cult members, Apheriun and Hexavia have decided that they're tired of being the Netherking and Witchqueen (respectively). With that being said, Apheriun and Hexavia have announced that they've decided to pursue different career opportunities! To go along with these career changes, they have donned fancy new looks! And, to match these visual upgrades, these EBs have also been renamed to 'The XD King' and 'Hexavia the Dancing Queen!'

    Promos and Plunder Bonuses

    Premium EBs will have 25% increased plunder:
    • The XD King (will be available for the duration of the promo)
    • Hexavia the Dancing Queen
    • Zelgarad the Accursed
    • Haunting: The Escape
    • Revenge of the Warbeasts
    The EB promo will be running from Friday, April 1st at noon PT until Monday, April 4th at noon PT.

    Emojis and Leaderboard

    To celebrate the visual upgrades to The XD King and Hexavia the Dancing Queen, there will be two emoji spells available in the marketplace for 500,000 gold each.


    There will also be a leaderboard with the chance to earn the XD King's pet! Collect blobs dropping from The XD King and Hexavia the Dancing Queen to compete with others on the leaderboard.

    Thanks for playing <3
  2. First 👀, love the emoji’s!
    Tenacious_Dragon likes this.
  3. Lemme get that correction for you there Virgo!

    Thanks for paying* <3
  4. XD
    -Moon- likes this.
  5. Pretty lame that you have to pay to be a part of the event. Not fair, very greedy.
  6. Very cool to make a premium only event, thxx devs
  7. Agreed 😏
    xXclusiaXx likes this.

  8. I would "like" this 100 times if I could. Pretty crappy.
    Mario, RadarChef, xXclusiaXx and 2 others like this.
  9. No april fools for non-pay2play accounts is the real joke
  10. Honestly surprised that tier legends weren’t added for blobs to incite more people to pay who know they can’t chase t100 lb for it. Seems a bit counter-intuitive for an event solely aimed at p2p players tbh
  11. Why would I spend money to participate in an event I know I won't get anything for 🤷
    Tenacious_Dragon likes this.
  12. I don't mind the p2p, I was gonna do that anyway.
    But now I have Abba stuck in my head for days and that is just unforgivable.
    Thanks a lot, devs. :confused:
  13. Would it really kill your bottom line to offer 25% plunder bonus on all ebs? Pay to play crowd will still do premiums, but others may spend some on xstals for aota or b2b noth. Appeal to your whole player base please, kaw needs all its players at this point.
  15. I just wrote a demonstration thread, hope i get some likes on it.:)
  16. You know, there have been some great April Fool's day events ... This one as noted only catered to deep pocket players. Disappointed, but par for the course - Gratz on your revenue push !
  17. Hey, they got yachts and stuff to pay for. Polo horses ain't cheap you know 🤷🏽‍♀️