A new clan loyalty incentive!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Riddler, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. Hello KaW! I’m Riddler and I have been around this game for 11 years now. I am posting on behalf of my family, Angels_and_Demons. I recently returned to the game and for a while now I have realized that KaW is missing something, there’s just something missing from the game that used to be here. We believe it's the lack of socialization due to Clan Loyalty.

    Back when I started playing this amazing game, being in a good clan meant something. You showed your dedication to them to be active and engaged in conversations as well as helping crush Epic Battles. Back then you couldn’t grow without a clan. You couldn’t progress without a good team of players behind you smashing these EBs to get a solid payout.

    Without clan loyalty there is hardly any socialization which does retain players and does help people to be engaged in the game longer. Let’s be honest, for those of us who do still play, we are here because we have created deep relationships with others. There is nothing that excites me more about this game now than to see friends of mine, who I’ve known for literal years now, in world chat and to reminisce about the old times. I don’t want to see that go away.

    The social aspect to this game is very important to me and for others as well. I wish to propose a new feature to maybe be a solution to this problem.

    At this point in time, there is absolutely zero reason to join a clan and make friends. The only way to compete in these events is to jump from clan to clan each day to get the maximum number of event items possible, or to spend a lot of money to receive the same success. While the clans who host these EBs that do all the work to get the EB to the main bar for jumpers to come clean it up, just get punished for their effort.

    I have brought this up to my family clan over at Angels_and_Demons and we have brainstormed the following ideas to help bring the social aspect back to the game and not punish those players who don’t jump clan to clan.

    My family’s solution to this problem would be to implement an event item bonus to those players who are loyal and do stay with one clan. I would like it to act like the old Estoc Edge and Rancor used to. The longer you stay with the same family, the higher your bonus for event items becomes. If you leave the clan, you lose your bonus. I understand that there will need to be a cap on this bonus to prevent it from becoming absolutely broken.

    That being said, I haven’t forgotten about the remaining warriors of KaW who still participate in EE. My solution for those is to have WoC protect that buff for 2 hours to allow these great warriors to not be punished for engaging in these wars that have made KaW what it is.

    Our thinking is to have different tiers just as we do with event items. If your clan can complete X amount of ebs a week, you can gain an extra bonus. If your clan can complete these ebs faster, you can gain a bonus. This promotes the use of xtals on ebs and in turn promotes purchases for ATA. I am not asking for this to be exactly equal to those who grind and farm those items as I can respect the effort and dedication it takes to do so. I do feel as though the rewards should be similar to those who are jumping because those clans that do host these EBs afterall, are the players putting in all the effort, simply to be punished for not jumping.

    This is a business for ATA and there needs to be an incentive for them to put in the effort to brainstorm and implement an idea such as this.

    I am asking those who feel that the social aspect to this game is important to please show your support below and hopefully gather enough traction that ATA can hear us!

    TLDR: Implement a progressive clan bonus to help foster a stronger clan loyalty and give people a reason to find a family and preserve the social aspect to this great game.
  2. They did something like this in the past and for some reason have gone away with it
    Riddler likes this.
  3. I really like this idea and think it could go somewhere in a similar form
    Riddler likes this.
  4. I do admit this is a needed element of the game and would do great. I do believe there is a system mechanic that can be used for this that was used previously in other clan events. This should be implemented as a perm from here on our for clan loyalty and especially the social aspect of the game, when in all seriousness it is the social aspect that gets the players attention and keeps most players here.

    I definitely support this idea 100% and thank you Riddler for bringing this forward as all I see is a positive that this can bring to the game dynamics.
  5. I do support the idea of a clan loyalty bonus as put forward , Have seen a similar thing previously , yet not for a while .

    While socialisation and loyalty are important so is achieving the events and side legends . Sometimes jumping is unavoidable as clan members can be family for multitudes of reasons including the length of time they have been part of a clan yet, they may not be as active as others and so achieving events for some is not always possible without jumpers or jumping . As I said the idea is a good one and worth considering . Thanks riddles :)
    Riddler likes this.
  6. Thank you! As posted we are not asking for this to be better necessarily than jumping, just for it to be competitive with it. Too many loyal players are being punished for not jumping. I appreciate your support, Mummsie!
    -TheLastTrojan_ likes this.
  7. A little over a year ago I came back on a whim after being gone for several years. For one I was presently surprised that the game was still going and then even more surprised that I found old friends that were still playing and even more returning seems like every month! I’ve also made new friends that are equally great! I support Riddler 100% in his thoughts and ideas of trying to keep Kaw great and inspiring new ideas to keep it growing for years to come! Much respect 👊🏼😎
  8. Support this.
    Increasing the number if item drops per eb the longer you stay in same clan will help more members complete events without the need to hop all the time.
  9. Love it. Devs please implement something like this
  10. Full support. Devs need to reward clan loyalty, not event hoppers.

    Without dedicated admins, you wouldn’t even be able to hop. These unsung heroes should be rewarded.
    RS-roni-RS, Avatar and Riddler like this.
  11. This right here would begin to repair the social fabric that made kaw great in the first place.

    Take heed ATA, there are folks that would love to get back to clan loyalty and not hopping ebs for legend items every 5 mins.

    Strong clan bonds mean more activity.

    More activity means stronger player base.

    All that translates directly to the bottom line.

    More importantly it breeds the desire to log in and unload and just hang out with all the amazing people that are still here and hopefully intice those that have gone to come roaring back.

    P.S. bring back the silence bot!

    -TheLastTrojan_ likes this.
  12. Total support! I would add that unlike the week or two "clan events" there definitely has to be an ongoing bonus... plumder boost (similar to EE) would be great, or the additional drops for the perms to help retain newer or even simply encourage less active players...

    So let it be written, so let it be done! ✌😎🍻
    Riddler likes this.
  13. I support this idea..but people are legend chasing..it's almost impossible to complete the needed ebs in a clan to complete legends unless your in top 5 clans and the high cs people are asking to get in clans hurt new players..the only way I can see it work is more people start playing and clans go back to training new new ppl it's been a long road and a struggle just to get to 100mil cs unless you do premium ebs..and that's just the way Ata is got it set up..like you said it's a business..I do support change but I don't have all the answers..ty Riddler for the effort...
  14. I appreciate your support, I would just like to say that players wouldn't be able to jump without the loyal team members clearing the EBs beforehand.
  15. Riddler, well thought out and presented nicely. This would accommodate different styles of play and as you point out provide an incentive to be in a clan and not have to leave. your idea has ghosts of the past, happier times in my opinion. 11+ years...it's a different perspective us Old School players have. 100% support!!
    Riddler likes this.
  16. This is a great idea. Helps both types of players grow which in turn would help the game grow. The social aspect of the game should be kept alive. For me personally the best part of Kaw is the socialization with my clan mates and others. Support 💪🏼
    Riddler likes this.
  17. Riddler,
    Take it a step further .

    Why not have Clan based legends? The Clan would chase as a whole. But have the clan Locked at start of event.

    You could make it an opt in by clan owners . Like when we used to get lock in during clan wars back when lol .

    Exclusive clan even rewards. Maybe habe a Clan Hall (similiar to player specific furniture but gives clan wide benefits.) Managed by admins or maybe new clan role (Quartermaster)

    My 2 cents.

    -TheLastTrojan_, -harry- and Riddler like this.
  18. Absolutely great idea! Coming from someone who jumps to try and grow, I really feel like am being asked to choose between the social aspect and growth aspect od the game. Love this approach to bring the two together. YKB_KARMA_IDN'S idea about clan legends also sounds really exciting and could lead to bigger clans helping new players grow!
  19. As much as it sounds pessimistic - the community’s interests aren’t an incentive for ATA unless they can implement it with a monetary gain for them (e.g. the $ boxes in clan events). If it does happen and they do monetise it, it’s likely to throw off the equilibrium in this game (what’s left of it anyway since they made events b2b and ruined kaw lol) due to clans that struggle to finish ebs without hoppers having less people interested in doing said hopping. As well as the fact that some people aren’t active enough to warrant perming somewhere and instead find it easier to spend a day or so doing premiums & hopping in the hours they’re free thus getting maximum items for their time as oppose to unloading on one or two ebs at their home.
    It’s a nice idea and I’d love for kaw to go back to its roots in some ways but sadly ATA have gotten too greedy over the years and have seen how much people will spend without clan loyalty in place (unless as stated before they monetise it with rewards that aren’t particularly worth it in the first place).

    And yes - I also only play still to stay in contact with old people who are too stubborn to get 3rd party apps to stay in contact lmao.
    Avatar and Riddler like this.
  20. Great idea -rocket-