What's the story and meaning behind your Kaw name?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by MrSmith, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Pretty simple really ...there's so many fascinating and interesting, weird and strange names in Kaw and many...most...have some sort of interesting story behind them.

    So what's the story and meaning behind yours?
    Bert007 likes this.
  2. My name was _Snow-… then I got hard.
  3. Gerrald is a character in a fantasy trilogy called The Cold fire Trilogy by C.S. Freidman. He is a dark undieing scorcher that traded his soul to fae demons in exchange for eternal life and magic. In exchange he must feed the fae demons and the get sustanice from human emotions. He feed off of fear.
    Avatar likes this.
  4. I just really liked Avatar: The Last Airbender when I first joined this game
  5. I am a fan of Lady Godiva of Coventry!
    SwAmP-ThInG likes this.
  6. I was dating this guy in Texas, turned out he wasn’t who he said he was. Once I found out he lied about who he was, we had a fight but I forgave him bc I didn’t love the guy in the photos, I loved the conversations and moments with him, ya know? Plus I was like, 16-17, and dumb as hell.
    Keep in mind I’m friends with all his friends. They all lived in TX and I’m in NY but I texted his whole friend group often, and we really all got along super well up to this point, and the lies he told me were small enough and out of the way enough that it never came up in the friend group and they didn’t know I was told any lies.

    after that big fight of me finding out he lied to me, he told his friends we broke up (which we obviously hadn’t) and that it was a sensitive topic for me. So all his friends kept being my friends but never brought up this “break up” bc they were afraid of running salt in the wound, ya know? Until one day one of his female friends (who was also apparently his new gf) told me I needed to stop living in denial and move on.

    so I took screenshots of the conversations we were currently having (adult conversations with adult topics) and sent them to his entire friend group, they all sided with me and the new gf dumped him and he didn’t have any more friends.

    and then I started playing KaW as a coping mechanism for that breakup. And I chose this username for the first time.
  7. Because Sméagol doesn’t know what’s taters is, and Samwise says boil em mash em stick em in a stew and Sméagols like, nasty little hobbitses at some point. And then it’s spelt dumb because wrong is the new right.
  8. Wha
    What’s ur story
  9. I'll comment in the main thread 👍 didn't want to hijack my own post
  10. It’s my name.
    Thrawn likes this.
  11. My mum gave me ny kaw name.
    Lord2Gunz and Thrawn like this.
  12. Mine comes from a character in a themed Romans group I played in. One of the Romans was called Nero Nuff...the other Brootis Tootis after the great Roman general Brutus and because he tooted his horn.

    And so became Brootis. Less Tootis because so much easier.
  13. I'm the Original Rogue, I stay in the shadows and like to cause mayhem!
  14. Xiphe is the plural form of xiphos which is the Greek word for the double edged short sword used by ancient Greeks. I just like military history about older cultures.
  15. I started by choosing Obsidian, the stone many years before I found Kaw.
    That was taken so I switched the O to an A and the first I to a y and created Absydian.
    Decided I wanted to mix the name with Zeus, as in the god of god's, thus creating Absydeus.
    Not very interesting or funny but that's my name origin.
  16. My ex who got me started playing kaw used to call me Tiny Kim bc I’m petite and Kimberly is my name. Merciless bc it’s a war game and will mercilessly insult you 🔪
    Cheddar-Bay_Biscuits likes this.
  17. This is my girlfriends name for me in her phone 😅
    Cheddar-Bay_Biscuits likes this.
  18. There was a movie called "Loving Jezebel" about a man who was always falling in love with other men's women, basically. And innocent me was like, "aww Jezebel is a pretty name" but I think the name Jezebel was already taken, so I made my name "QueenJezebel"...I had no idea what the name "Jezebel" meant 🤣 but finally looked it up after multiple people asked me why I chose THAT name. Buuut by then it's what everyone knew me as (or the new players, my old name was ladysancho)
    BadRobot likes this.
  19. Here you go Brootis, don’t fall asleep reading it! I use to always wear trousers rather than jeans when going out for a beer, so they nicknamed me Pants 👖 then used to chant Pants Army after too many beers 🍻
    Cheddar-Bay_Biscuits likes this.