Make Crux Chest 1 hour Long to not waste it!😉

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _-Kk-_WarWorld-_, Jun 6, 2021.



  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    12 vote(s)
  1. hello guys i m vary old player as u know already 😄, i m here to give u guys small advice about crux chest. as per my personal experience i can say that u don't need to give crux chest length about 2 hours as i don't think anyone free for 2 hours to just play games instead make crux chest time 1 hour long or half Hour long and double or adjust chest in players inventory or rewards in events so we don't waste crux bcz of real life work. we can start another crux after hour if we still need it. so think about it and make necessary adjustments..
  2. You have 240 Crux chests, why are you concerned about "wasting" them lol

    Crux chests lasting for more than one eb is pretty nice IMO. I usually Crux when I xtal so it's nice not having only a single chance to dump some x.
  3. This is literally the dumbest idea I’ve seen on kaw. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go do not collect $200