Story Time! -Fire Edition-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]

    So. Today, I was cooking some home cooked food for me and my son. Nothing too fancy: Baked chicken, with cheddar broccoli rice, and green beans. I had everything going, and I went to go help my son set the table in the dining room. We were having a date night, of sorts, a phrase he uses to say me and him eating dinner just the 2 of us, since he is usually my Valentineโ€™s date, or things like that. It was gonna be so cute. A new tablecloth, we got out the nice dishes, even got a small ass candle out. Looked so cute. See photo below for confirmation.


    I walk back to the kitchen and there's literal flames coming up from around the pot the rice was cooking in. Now, my stove is ELECTRIC. No flames get used to heat up our food. So, seeing flames on my stove top? Scary. See photo below to see what I mean.


    Now, a bit about my background. My dad works for 911. My step dad used to take me camping, with firepits. My dad used to be the chief of our local fire department, for many years, my step dad was a member as well. I was a junior firefighter as a teenanger. Fire is nothing new to me, at all. There was even a fire extinguisher 2 steps to my left! So, when I tell you how I put this fire out, keep all of that in mind. See below for the step by step instructions.

    1. Knee jerk reaction to remove the pot from the burner, and place it on another. Be sure to turn that burner on, so the food stays cooking.

    2. Turn on the fan above the stove, then open the closet window. Our fire alarms are hooked up straight to the fire department. If those go off, they will not turn off until the fire fighters get there, inspect the house and turn them off. And it's not just MY house, bc it's an apartment, all of my neighbors will also have to vacate the building for this.

    3. Turn off the burner. That's right, it was on high this whoooole time. Turn that baby off!

    4. Start FANNING THE FLAMES QUICKLY. Like. Really fast. Feeeeeed the Flaaaames.

    5. The fire does stop, and I continue cooking dinner like nothing at all happened.

    6. Eat the food, bc food?

    I thought I should let you know exactly how to stop kitchen fires, based off my own personal experience.

    Corinthian and Thrawn like this.
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  3. (Wait, we can type our own emojis instead of using forums' emoji?!!!)
  4. Yes ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  5. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  6. good thought! I will keep it in mind for next time! I unfortunately didnโ€™t HAVE gasoline that night :/
  7. Bump by request ๐Ÿ™„
  8. Ah, no matter how far women try, they can never escape their kitchen appliances.

    u go gurl