After every storm, there is a rainbow of hope 🌈

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Anonymous, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. With everything happening in the world related to Covid-19, I figured it’d be a good addition to the game if we could have a spell to make our name multi-coloured like a rainbow. I feel this would be a positive thing because around me IRL people have been showing their support to the NHS by displaying rainbows in their windows. Not only this, but it also allows us to display our names another way aside from a solid colour. I hope you take this suggestion into consideration because it’d be great to see people use it especially with the message it gives.
    I hope you consider this as it’s such a great thing and shows gratitude among the community.

    Hoping the kaw community show support

    Thank you 🌈

    #1 Anonymous, Apr 5, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2020
    Mr_clean, Trek, crawler77 and 8 others like this.
  2. I honestly love this idea, I’d love to see something like this added to the game. The work the NHS does is amazing ❀️🌈
  3. This is a great idea!!!
    Anonymous likes this.
  4. It’s a great idea think u guys should do it tbh
  5. Great ideaπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  6. Love this idea πŸ€—
  7. This would be wonderful!!!! Very good idea Steph!
  8. I have never really used the colour thing because I haven't found a color that describes me. But a rainbow color would be awesome and i would totally use that always. Great idea stephy. With all that's going on rn, more colors would totally brightens someones day.
  9. Full support from me, it's a good ideaπŸ‘πŸ»
  10. Support πŸ’ͺ😈
  11. This is an awesome idea, 100% support
  12. ermm... support, but I still want moderator green.
    Anonymous likes this.
  13. 100% support!!! Absolutely Love this display of solidarity against this dreadful illness, and show of love & unity within the Kawmunity.
    Well done Stephy! πŸ’œ
    Anonymous likes this.
  14. Support πŸ’ž
    Anonymous likes this.
  15. Had to Google what the nhs is.
    push Chat colors to the level of 2k instead 1990!
  16. I guess you could say none of the existing colors are bold enough for you?

    Support, more color variety for any reason is fun.
  17. AGREE!!
    🌈 SUPPORT!!
  18. Support. Let's ride out this tough time togetherπŸ‘
  19. Good Idea...Support😜