Pffffffff lmaooooooo What osws u tokin about? The ones u surendered on? Hey, look here! We got a hardened worrior oberhere! Hes only surendered twice! What a champ!
Change your story as you go valkerie .You give it like youre so hardcore then you weezle out of it instead of sticking to your story.You been splattered .You should just give up now your jealousy of me .i had to bring out my alt saltyfeet because you know me i love to entertain and saltyfeet is the creative and in your face split personality side of me.I love being saltyfeet character.He is so raw and comical .And nobody can match his agility to put defects like valk in their place.When i bring saltyfeet into action all that there's left to say is game over !!
These is a magnificent plot twist roni. Schokin an unexpected. Im intrigued as to where ill lid. Kerry on
Dont you worry about me .As quick as i lose friend's i make them again .With these voices in my head i never get lonely.And you are so right .i have never ever been in any osw.Comparred to your rich resume of osw prowless.i am nothing in comparrison. Well apart from this one that i remember when i hit OneAttempt/SayMyName and ennett of Zaft Carnage while i was in Zaft corps/ ultra clan and it started a civil war within Zaft !!My great clan Zaft Corps/ultra clan all hit Zaft Carnage in my defence .And this is when i truely relised how lucky i am to be around such a great group of people.They showed the true meaning of what being a friend is and protect their clan members.Within a few days Zaft Corps and Ultra clan had dropped the Zaft name because they had enough of power tripping and my situation was the nail in the coffin which brought about Zaft Corps/Ultra clan dropping the Zaft tags and all connection linked witb Carnage. And this osw that i could be making up because you know me i am a known fibber who has never fighted in my kaw life was Zaft/Fury versus Apoc.i wasnt really there or was i ? I dont know fact from fiction .You need to ask that other osw badass Vamperous for the lowdown !!
They tell me everyday that you're living is a new beginning and dont worry you'll survive on the kaw streets as you always have.As long as you've got your partner in crime SkinnyMinny to kickass with.Then i'll be just fine