~Warlords Beginner's Guide to Trading~

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Warlord_Tribute, Feb 8, 2019.

  1. ~Warlord's Beginner's Guide to Trading~

    This guide is for all the new and returning players of KaW. This will help with things such as creating charms and trading basics to bring you up to speed on the modern KaW.


    Creating charms is a very simple process that varies depending on the device you use.


    For both devices, you’ll need to go to the marketplace, then the mage, and then:

    Android: Swipe left near the top of the screen where it describes what the mage is.

    Apple: Swipe left -or- right anywhere on the screen.


    Now you have reached the transmuting screen. You can now see all of your non-equipped pieces of equipment. You can click on any one of them and a blue circle will appear. Hold the circle down to transmute the equipment. However, once you have transmuted a piece of equipment, you will not be able to equip it as equipment.


    ~As a tip: make sure your equipment is fully enchanted to its max level. It will make the charm more valuable and powerful.


    Trading has become a very popular and important feature in modern KaW. Knowing the basics is very important. People usually trade charms for furniture, -or- charms for charms, but some will trade rewards for charms (-or- charms for rewards), as well as trading furniture for furniture. We're gonna focus on buying furniture with charms.

    To begin with, you'll need to be friends with whoever you plan to trade with. Open the private message screen (PM) and look to the left of your text box: you'll see two arrows. Select the arrows to get into the trading area. From there you can trade any item listed. There are different tabs to select your specific items, whether that would be: charms, rewards, furniture, boxes, -or- all.


    Next, you should already know what combined stats (CS) are, and how to find it on your account. We'll be doing the same thing with charms. When trading, a good way to find the CS of charms is to use an alt or friend. When you start the trade with an alt (-or- friend), include your charms, it will then tell you the CS once you send it. Then you can cancel the trade after figuring out the CS. You can also see the stats of a specific charm if you press and hold down on it. You can quickly add these together to find the total. Once you have the desired CS, send those charms to the person you are trading with in order to buy the piece of furniture you want.



    Provided below is a rough outline of the price of furniture in charms CS. The price of furniture, chests, and charms fluctuate just like any other real-world market. This is its own economy so there are various ups and downs. The price is determined by a number of factors including rarity, level, and desirability.

    NOTE: All Prices are for lvl 1 furniture

    Workshop (Left Room):
    Left Room Top Left (Shield): 30-70 Mil
    Left Room Middle Left (Scroll): 30-70 Mil
    Left Room Bottom Left (Helmet): 50-90 Mil
    Left Room Bottom Right (Armor): 100-250 Mil
    Left Room Top Right (Weapon): 200-350 Mil

    Throne Room (Middle Room):
    Thrones: 300-450 Mil
    Throne Sides: 10-20 Mil
    Carpets: 20-50 Mil
    Stairs (Dais): 60-100 Mil
    Pillars: 60-100 Mil

    Chamber Room (Right Room):
    Chandelier: 60-100 Mil
    Pet Food: 30-40 Mil
    Pets: 700 Mil-1.3 Bil (Cows/manticore can go for 350-500 Mil usually)

    Walls/Floors/Banners: 4-15 Mil
    Sets: 1.5-5 Bil
    Royals: 500 k-5 Mil
    Seals: 150-300 Mil
    Circle Pieces(100): 100-150 Mil
    Top 10 Pet: 2bil-5bil

    Note: Cows and manticores are less expensive because awhile back the Devs gave everyone a manticore, and eventually a cow. Therefore the number of manticores and cows brought the price down exponentially. As they are still extremely common, the price has fluctuated a little and gone up.


    You can only trade royal chests. These are the chests that require a royal chest key to open. The prices on these fluctuate quite a bit. For a current event box, the price will be around 5 Mil at the beginning of an event, and it will soon depreciate as the event moves on. At the end of the event, you should see them going for 500k. Most old royals will go anywhere between 500k and 2 Mil. It will mostly depend on the seller.


    Hopefully, this price guide will keep you from getting scammed. Keep in mind that these are general prices, and there will be exceptions to these. Don't forget, it's trading, you may be able to haggle a better deal out of someone.

    Upgrading and Dismantling


    When you upgrade (ug) furniture, you'll need to dismantle a piece in the same slot to get ug material. Each ug level requires a certain amount of dismantled furniture to do so. Here is a list of the amount of furnishings needed to upgrade:

    Level 1=1
    Level 2=2
    Level 3=4
    Level 4=8
    Level 5=14
    Level 6=22
    Level 7=32
    Level 8=44
    Level 9=58
    Level 10=74
    Level 11=92
    Level 12=112
    Level 13=134
    Level 14=158
    Level 15=184
    Level 16=212
    Level 17=242
    Level 18=274
    Level 19=308
    Level 20=344

    Once a piece is upgraded, you can't degrade it.

    There are some furniture pieces you shouldn't dismantle though. For example: Bone Set, Murkfrost Set, Autumnal Set. The reason you don't want to dismantle these pieces is because they are rare -or- extremely sought after. They can sell for more than the usual prices. These pieces are exceptions and will yield better profits if you sell them. If you're ever unsure about which items to dismantle -or- not to, feel free to ask around. A trusted trader or even wc can help you.


    Now you are ready to get out there and trade! I hope this has been beneficial for all of you reading this. As you get more involved in the trading community, you will begin to figure out who is a trusted trader and who is not.

    Shout out's to:

    Titan_God and karamel_apples for help with BBcode.

    Neon_Lion, shelby_lynnXO, Ve, karamel_apples, and Blue for helping me on proofreading and editing.

    Copperhead2010_TDT, thewithz_TDT and TheAlpha for being my test subjects and giving input.

    Thank you! I couldn't have done it without you guys.

    Also, shout out to The Dark Tributes for the clan wide support!

    An extra special shout out to - Harvester-

    My very first and best mentor who taught me everything I needed to know to begin trading. Thank you Harvester, you were amazing and got me going on the right path to begin trading. I couldn't have done any of this without your initial help. Truly, thank you Bro.

    I'm always open to questions, comments -or- concerns as well.
    Best of luck to all of you in your endeavors.
    Peace and love🤞

    ~War 🤙
    #1 Warlord_Tribute, Feb 8, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
  2. Spot holder

    Sat, Jun 29th, 2019 - Prices Updated

    Wed, July 3rd, 2019 - Furniture Ug Levels Updated
  3. Great thread
  4. Good guide to help new traders️
  5. Seals are NOT 120 mil. Lowest is around 150 if you’re lucky to upwards 250 mil.

    100 circles I’ve never seen lower than 200 mil.

    Besides this, good thread.
  6. Appreciate the effort that went into the thread. It seems like something that will be able to help those new to trading for quite some time.
  7. This definitely needs pinned so it doesnt get buried
  8. Good job War! Thank you!
  9. Looks really good! Great use of BBcode and good information. I'm sure this'll help a lot of new and returning players. Good job Chief
  10. Complete autumnal set 700b takes it...
  11. Delete this thread right now!!!
  12. Great work.
  13. good job homie. very good thread
  14. Nice thread warlord. Definately explains the basics to someone who hasn't really dabbled in trading/charming/furniture.

    Thank you ;)
  15. Great thread, thanks 
  16. This'll help me a ton, thanks a million for this