ASW 2018 - Guess the Winners!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Choccy, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Pink protectors 
  2. -Cyan Lions- for the win
  3. I vote
    -Silver Sharks-
  4. Pink protectors
  5. Pink protecters
  6. - Silver Sharks -
  7. - Cyan Lions - for the win
  8. Cyan for 2round
  9. Cobalt cobras 
  10. Pink Protectors
  11. Pink Protectors
  12. Cyan lions to win semi
  13. Pink protectors!
  14. - Pink Protectors -
  15. Pink protectors
  16. 1 hour and 30 minutes till you won't be able to guess anymore, for this round.