ASW 2018 - Guess the Winners!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Choccy, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Support
  2.  nooooooo! Time for the last minute come back 

    GL to all btw too many great clans to pick from tbh 
  3. Pink to win semis
  4. Naw. This is bogus and a lot of pb clans got wronged in war. I'm fixing it and I'm fighting for redos. It was cheated
  5. Cobalt to win semis
  6. All rounds are fixed 1 player has acc in all asw clans as we saw with pink and green each cr1 same tangra badges and name
  7. Did someone get stripped?
  8. Ally LB 1/2/3/4 are the same person, ie Caff. But I don't think he's warring them all.
  9. Pink protectors to win semis
  10. Cyan lions to win semi
  11. Cyan lions again, I'll see them through :cool:
  12. Cobalt cobras to win semi
  13. - Pink Protectors - to win

  14. The Preliminaries are now over - congratulations to the winning teams!

    There were only 7 players that guessed one of the winners...




    - CYAN LIONS -

    And the 5 random winners for the Preliminaries, that'll receive 5 Health Crystals and 1 Crux Chest, are...


    Congratulations! :)

    Keep the guesses coming for which team you think will be one of the winners of the Semifinals! You've until September 1st, 10:00 AM (PDT) to make a guess.

    The teams you can guess on are...

    - Cobalt Cobras -

    - Silver Sharks -

    - Pink Protectors -

    - Cyan Lions -

  15. I don't understand out of 10k players several alts being in several clans instead of mains can the devs not tell names apart just my oppinion
  16. I'm going with Cyan Lions
  17. Go for pink. They have ppl throw the war for them and the biggest 10100101 tang alts in it
  18. Cobalt Cobras will win semi
  19. Pink protectors for the win !
  20. Pink protectors