Banner event?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Hollywood_Undead, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. It’s been a good while since we’ve had any new banners. Instead of gear every event. What about banners, Aqua/inferno, and maybe events that give a new furniture item. And possibly materials to upgrade that item.(?)
  2. Support. I really would sell my soul for some Aqua and Inferno.
  3. They were releasing banner tokens every event for a long time and then just stopped for a whole year. Doesn’t make sense
  4. Bitcoin give us bitcoin!!!!
  5. Another Aqua / Inferno event wouldn't go a miss!
  6. inferno/aqua event would be good
  7. Ill go 4 an aqua only event... got plenty of inferno and if I run out I can always buy more... except aqua wont buy that with an xtal
  8. No one cares about you
  9. I would love a banner event!
  10. u cared enough 2 quote me...
  11. I came out of retirement after all the good banner events. Please have a banner event soon.....
  12. Support at lvl 3 maxed banners has no correlation to stats of today excluding the couple that's percentage base an use 10 tokens that haven't been available during events in almost 2 years I forget the token actual name