For all curious, the reason he was kicked was because he started a war against MaCHiNEs in an entirely different ATA game – as well as bashing the leaders of a clan that Omega was very friendly with – all while already being on probation from previous moronic incidents. If that wasn’t enough, he also told Omega – Founder, Leader, etc etc of LSA – that Omega’s war strategy was “stupid” and “would never work” then proceeded to continue with his own self-agenda and go against his council’s orders with no regard to his fellow clan-mates. Grave, I do sincerely appreciate you saying such kind things about me, even though you never won any of our verbal sallies and always resorted to threats of finding me in real life afterwards. Who knew Canadians were so mean?
Milone as i said you're special ed, your account is so small you have to use Ben's old one after he aquired another Omega didnt have a war strategy to diss,his idea was to take it like a female dog until LSA went inactive, hey it worked. i got kicked for calling you the Rtard you are
RESUME’ Education: PhD Cornell University Work History: -Governor of the great state of Michigan -owner of every restaurant and largest employer in the great state of Michigan -professional poo eater Personal interests: I like going to festivals
The final straw that got you kicked was dm’ing a fellow clanmate that you were going to kill me, not for attempting to insult me with the sallies of a junior high argument.
HA, you arent worth a day of my freedom, let alone 25 years I said you act tough on line but in real life id snap you like a twig. cut the hyperboles you're not a 14 year old basic white girl You just act like one. Besides, While you sat inactive i spent 4 months in a clan alone without a single eb fighting not just the machines but all of Kotfe, you cant fight in a real osw just hit eb clans now you're in veritas using an account that was given to you trying to pretend you are relevant. See ya.
In what way does your side of the story have more legitimacy because you can snap that other dude like a twig ?
Case and point of him resorting to threats. I’d post the screenshot of your threat, but it’d just get this thread locked. I have no reason to exaggerate. Apologies to OP for derailing his thread. Back to your regularly scheduled program :wink:
I used to play GaW until it got shutdown to this day I still miss the game and the people I met which is why a couple days ago I decided to download KaW over in GaW I was imurpapi and was part of the Zaft/Indy war and the war kept going until the game shutdown I’m still not used to this game and don’t know what the community is like here but, I hope I can build my account and if anyone would like to help guide me it would be more than appreciated.
First clan i joined was disbanded. Have been at Ultra Clan since 8/20/2011. Owner most of the time since 2012. Love my clannies and have hosted a few at BBQs at my house.