Charms have already ruined KaW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by gray-ts2, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. Come on devs. Charms have ruined KaW as it is. Don’t ruin war matchups too.

    War matchups are suppose to be ‘equal’. They’re only equal in stats not power. It’s ridiculous.

    Get the devs to spend time on matchup systems rather than useless events. Take into consideration bfa, bfe, bfc and bff.... or it really isn’t fair.
  2. Match-up complaints since Day 1
    Around 5 yrs ago

    Good Luck
  3. Adapt to the new game or don’t play it?
  4. Bonuses From Furnishings
  5. Oh, thanks
  6. Only advice I can give to devs is they should weigh static stats higher like they do with spy stats on the back end.

    For instance, 100m cs hansel will have a higher clan rank than a 100m cs attack build because spy stats have more “power” the same should go with bfe, bfa, bfc, and bff.

    Beta test some wars where there’s a different % on static stat power levels, so we can find the most balanced % point.

    Example with 50% increase in static stat power

    Clan rank 1: 1m cs pure attack build with 3.5bill in charms (70m cs) = 105m power
    Clan rank 2: 100m cs pure attack build with no charms = 100m power

    Now the 1m cs starless alt with tons of charms from his main will be technically be stronger and when in war match ups, so instead of being put with people around 70m cs, he will be placed with people around 100m cs, due to his power size.

    Make sense?
  7. Bump... ^ Support
  8. Why do people still post with alts?
  9. Indi and lowland needs to stop and give few months re evaluate the system. This way start fresh and players start fresh. Now players are just the same players with many hidden alts to screw wars. Then they the one most likely flooding the support system to complain.
    They are wasting so much time of support system and funds of ATA to employ support system.
  10. Pwars ruined KaW fam
  11. It’s been downhill ever since.
  12. 100%
  13. Pwars didn't ruin KaW. It was the pwar era where KaW was thriving.
  14. Only because the culture shifted from warring to easy way out. And that started the spiral downwards. The first world wars before that were insane fun. As it was not just a battle of egos. But of necessity. You needed to hit your opponents for growth. UWF vs. ZiG was a prime example. I LLBCed purely through fighting the clan targets. Then converted to pure spy during a strip. It was a time that will never be replicated. Pwars were the end of the golden age so to speak. Sure it was a busy time but the game was at its peak already around that time so to say pwars were the biggest time is more coincidence. There were those of us that recognized the fall of the culture of KaW and pinned OSFs OAFs in pwars clans in protest but it would never be enough. KaW essentially after that was a game built on an exploit. EBs were the cure. But unfortunately after the people got a taste of the easy life they could never fully go back.
  15. Warring was only the focus because that was the only thing present, when given a choice they moved to making the most amount of gold in the shortest amount of time. The best thing too... You didn't have to fork out cash to get BC. There was a gap in stats but not at this level.

    That was the golden age of KaW because it allowed people who travel around to meet interesting, new people. It was in this age that maintained clan loyalty and active cc.

    EBs are terrible they encourage growth through microtransactions.

    EBs aren't a cure. Did you notice how many people left slightly before or during the EB era.

    EBs are terrible. They cause inflation because they are improperly managed. It's really simple to comprehend.

    Pwars did this too but it wasn't nearly as bad.

    EBs aren't the cure and I'm sure as hell microtransactions aren't the cure either, smh.
  16. PWars weren’t the best thing for KaW. They were the noise that started the avalanche, so to speak. I think that they were an inevitable “exploit” to be uncovered, as is human nature.

    That being said, EBs were by no means the cure to PWars. They only made things worse. I honestly only think that the Devs introduced them because of the rampant bot use that was associated with PWars (Pot selling bots for OSF & OAF), and they knew they had to provide an easy, gold earning alternatives to players that were accustomed to the easy gold associated with PWars.

    Truthfully, people wanting to be lazy and grow simultaneously is the cancer that has caused this whole inflation and boredom issue in KaW. People want to grow, and they want gold, but they don’t want to risk upsetting someone by pinning them and in turn being farmed into oblivion themselves. Clans created “No Farming” rules to cater to these crowds, created PWars to feed them gold, and caused KaW to disintegrate before our very eyes.

    Honestly, we can’t really blame the Devs for creating this mess. It was the players. However, we can blame the Devs for letting it go on so long, and get so bad, because their greed caused them to bend over backwards to satisfy the majority of their players, who have now left them to seek greener pastures and left behind only the disenfranchised players, like us, who crave a return to the “Golden Era” of KaW, where battles were fought for bragging rights and “glory,” and not gold and the latest event equipment.

    Making our desires clear is, unfortunately, too little too late. It’s gone too far, and KaW is going to die a slow death as it limps towards oblivion.

    There is a solution, but I don’t think anyone is ready for how drastic it is:

    Reset everyone. Get rid of EB and PWar mechanics, equipment, furnishings, and charms. Bring back the “Golden Age” and force everyone to restart from scratch and don’t make the same mistakes again. No one would go for it, though. Too much money has been spent and too many people would be upset and rage quit. That’s the way to bring back the old KaW we love and want to be a part of, though.

  17. Pwars were the best.....could pin them from outside and poof clan war. I fought like hell during that. Even went up against LoA. Friggin blast. Just a friggin blast. Then met the guys in Holy Vanguard. Hq helped me with fighting. Taught me a lot. Ebs come around and it became boring. I hardly get hit during last few osw. Everyone hitting eb for strip money.