Transmuting Charms Is Bugged?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MRU-iKinkyTwinkie-MP, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. I myself don't have issues making Charms, but plenty of my clannies seem to. Anyone else having this issue?
  2. What issue(s) are they having?
  3. Mods won’t help, send a ticket.
  4. The game itself won't allow them to transmute any equipment. I know the best choice is to submit support tickets, but I wanted to see if this was a widespread bug or an isolated incident.
  5. Like are they unable to get to the transmute screen or are they unable to transmute while at the screen? It would be easier if they explained this issues they are having themselves so we can try and eliminate some easier tiers to see if we can fix the problem without waiting for a help ticket response.
  6. Very true M Squad Mod - Mei Division, I'll have them post here themselves then, and thank you kindly.
  7. Can't even get to the transmute screen on PC or my LG V20
  8. Operator error.
  9. There is no transmute screen on pc.

    And with some android phones like LG the swipe "box" is sometimes off.
    Try swiping left (from right to left) on various parts of the mage screen and also try double tapping (starting on the words about aqua and inferno). I've been told by a couple of players that double tapping works while swiping doesn't.
  10. They don't work anyway don't care
  11. Grizzy, we all get you hate your life but please keep it to yourself and save at least us the pain of your bleak existence.

    For the record, Charms work in PvP but not PvE, so only EB Fairies have "no use for them".
  12. Get a real build you pansy. And stop chatting out your bum charms don't work PvP/EB/rp whatever don't work.
  13. If that's what you want to think, go ahead and keep thinking it. You don't blind others, just yourself.

    And this is a real build lol, it's a war and PvP build, but sure, call me whatever helps you sleep at night xD
  14. Most people know they don't work I'm not blinding anyone you'll catch on eventually until then keep collecting your pointless charms.
  15. Lol, even if they are pointless, which they're not, id rather have infinite pointless charms than infinite pointless equipment.
  16. Equipment charms do not work. Transmuting is pointless. I dont expect them to be fixed either, as devs wont even admit they're broken.
  17. How do you get charms ? Must have that issue my charms are zero