Last ditch effort to make pvp great again

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by wrath_oG_Grave, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. Ive made several threads with ideas on how to make pvp as profitable as ebs while still making pvp have risk and true loss . Every time id derailed by trolls or the Devs simply don't listen.

    I felt at a loss for awhile like there's nothing that hasn't been suggested before. Then i had a few bowls of the giggle bush tonight and came up with what might be the best but most radical idea ive made yet.


    This would make ebs+pvp more profitable than ebs alone causing more people to pvp. Meanwhile the pure eb fairies dont lose anything unless they leave gold out.

    There's not much else to say, i hope this works.

    Ps: if you support me please send a ticket too the devs
  2. If i was a dev id release 4 more land teirs, pvp based crest events (the entire event with the new bar ) revamp the graphics to a more modern style. And make bfa higher risk/reward. Making growth easier and pvp better.

    Overall i think this would create a game that draws people in, in 2018 while also making a kaw 2.0 while letting everyone keep their stats from the first.

    To fix inbalances i would make a prestiege option for anyone who has unlocked deepmine and no one who accepts can hit anyone who doesnt. Keeping the size gap limited to uts current state and giving big players a new longer-term goal. The prestiege option unlocks the next 4 teirs of land and new items/ spells.
  3. Can you explain the PvP bar more
  4. So basically double income if you do both ebs and pvp?
  5. Have crux chest work on pvp too.
  6. The pvp bar is the same our current bar except it cant be used for ebs
  7. Ive suggested this before, this idea got support but i never hear back from devs after they check it
  8. In before the low effort lock ⏳
  9. Yes
  10. No good. PvP is just farming open farms anyway. No better then hitting EBs. The only incoming you'll ever get is only when you have a blade. And it seems that your suggestion will make people pin their troops 24/7 on the EB

  11. You missed where i said pvp troops cant hit ebs i thought it was already common sense but i even said it.

  12. Ah OK nvm I'm a derp
  13. I think it gives eb players another incentive to hit other players so they cant be hit themselves. It puts real risk on those in osw who try to do xtal trains
  14. Lol why do you bother making suggestions on forums or send in tickets suggesting? ...they dont listen. Honestly how many ideas from players have they ever implemented?? Almost none, and the ones that they did were pretty lame, and this was during the heyday when they acted like they cared. You really think theyre gonna do anythng you suggest now? :p
  15. Buy $5,000 worth of nobs and xtals ...they "might" listen then lol
  16. That’s a Naboo N-1 Spacefighter, what’s not to love???

    The pentagon has video of one flying at 80,000 feet, very slick!
  17. :lol:

  18. PM me for spaceship RP
  20. The idea is good but something else would have to be done to revamp PvP. As it is now this would simply increase inflation even more and have a bunch of people hitting osfs.
    wrath_oG_Grave likes this.