Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Adonis-ICE_MaCHiNE, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Until devs reply, will be posting negative reviews in the AppStore for KoH 
  2. Took a month for kaw to fix my not being able to wall people but since that fix I can't look at anothers furnishings (mines fine). I didn't get a response to my ticket till 5days later and they just closed it without replying it took a lot of tickets just for them to fix it. (Partly fix it I can't see all emojis on walls but fine in cc and wc) also stop a time frame of spending for a day won't happen due to hte clans and box opening fanatics.
  3. Please do not post negative in apps store and Google store. This will not bring anything good. Devs doing their best to keep this game going. You are not helping giving negative review. We need more new players on this game. I play many game I always comeback to KAW as my main game. KAW far better than other game for spending moderately. Other games of you don't spend it's worthless to play. You only play there to say hi and bye to everyone who are struggling to play.
  4. Musang while I agree with you a little the Devs can stop any negTive review simply by posting on this thread or by reassuring us that some of what we want is coming. It’s their own complete silence that is part of the issue and problem. The silence causes frustration and animosity grow. If they just did what they said they would do which is talk to the KaWmunity we would all think differently. Saddest part of all is they either can’t see that or don’t care. I really don’t know which is worse for us...

    Devs...what say you?
  5. A lot of people seem to be in denial over the death of this game.. It's already happened.. It's hard to accept due to the significant investment we've made, but it's time to accept reality and move on.. Let us not cling to this sinking ship, but swim to safety!! .. Who's with me?
  6. I a few months back posted a nice review trying to potentially change the image of KaW on the App Store, I just recently dragged KaW through the bushes completely wearing others of touching the game currently.
  7. I forgot Kings Lounge was even a thing however you’re derailing a thread so post with a main or something¿
  8. Keep on track with topic, devs we still demand a reply!
  9. It's just lucky the tutorial is so comprehensive otherwise anybody deciding to download an 8 year old text based chat room would have no idea what the heck is going on here.

    Speaking of heck. I have some dragons to feed. The devs will answer you within hours over there.
  11. Still waiting Devs...
  12. I just submitted a ticket to support telling them about this thread and all the unhappy players. All I got was,”thanks for your input flame” I came here thinking they replied. Yet again I’m disappointed. Quitting the game myself if no changes in one month.
  13. I wonder......if I just hang in there.....I could out last everyone and hit #1 lb

    Honestly jus ride the wave, it’s cresting soon, then on it’s last days jus throw it all into chaos like ye old days. YE OOOOOLLLLLDD DAYS. Jus hang in for that at least
  14. How was that a vaild post? Talk about credibility he has enough he's widely known and is a proud apoc member. Also calling apoc "scumbags" isn't really helping this post or anyone at all. Now saying Adonis cheated just makes you sound like you pathetic.

    On the side note Adonis add PC needs an update!
  15. Devs are deaf by nature.. they are sipping wine on their yacht probably at some Caribbean island while laughing at us Hehehehhe... Hohohohoh.... Haha haha... So easy money!
  16. I believe the devs don’t know how to fix the game. Look at it... run away inflation at its best. A piece of gold used to mean something. Now, I can wipe my arse with a trillion and it doesn’t matter. How many new comers would want to join a game where they are so far behind? How many noobs would want to join a game that clearly doesn’t have an objective/end goal? If you could explain to someone new “KaW great for these reasons...” I would love to know your thoughts.
  17. I sent a ticket in and actually got a response...

    Me: “Are the devs going to show their faces soon?”

    Support: “We sure will”

  18. Everyone should send in ticket!!
  19. Developers don't talk to community. No game provider does that. ATA have game plans and they just follow those. You can't force them to give you response for someone that leave the game and others may leave the game. Players leave the game for various reason. Some leave because of real life changes. Instead of focusing to negative aspect of the game. Why not focus on trying to get new players. Open a website to introduce KAW to new players. Get the LB players to help you. When your idea start working bringing new players let LB players with evidence thaf your idea working talk to ATA. We all know LB players have the privilege to talk directly to ATA. This is true to all game big spenders have direct line to game provider.

    Only group forced devs to talk to KAW community is NA by doing something devs didn't expect and cost Twicc perm forum banned. This will not work again because ATA have new management and they are more focused on their set of goals. We may not agree to them but they are actually good updates. We have more updates than before. We as q community should help new players learn the game show them what is good about the game. How to help them build. Show them little tricks to optimize their gold to upgrades and ally trading to make extra gold. As a community this is what we should do help retain new players not focus on how to say bad things to game provider. They are a company so all aspect always come from the top. Some developers may agree of us but ultimately the top dog decides. So focus what we can help not what we can forced them to do.
  20. Although Devs haven't showed themselves here yet, and a lot of my issues haven't been fixed yet, there is a change.
    I just noticed that the equipment of past events is finally in my mage and transmutable. So let's hope this is a sign of change.....
    Would still prefer a little feedback in what Devs plan to change tho...

    And Musang, you're right that we as a community should help new players. Let them see where the fun could be in this game. But that's a bit hard with so many errors/bugs in game like there are now.... easier to tell someone this is great when it actually is great and not meh... ;)