Petition Aqua / Inferno

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TheRealDMC, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. So I know many of us have had this conversation before. Wherever it may have been many of us players in the game have the same problem.

    Many players need tons more Aqua and/or Inferno.

    My suggestions to fix this problem;

    1.) Make Aqua purchaseable with gold, same as Inferno. This is a game where amassing gold is a thing. Adding one more gold sink for the game will be a good thing.

    2.) Remove the cap on buying Inferno (and Aqua). This suggestion is mutually beneficial for us players AND you devs. Players can freely sink money to upgrade the mass influx of equipment they receive AND you devs get the money from those few players who love to spend all the money many of us don't have on the game. If you guys don't want to remove the cap at least raise it to 100 minimum at least.

    3.) Fix the aqua / Inferno drops for ALL epic battles. Many of the earlier EBs still drop 3 Inferno/Aqua. I mean seriously? This should've been changed years ago once we started getting equip that requires 32 of both for its first upgrade. Minimum for the earliest EBs the drop Aqua/Inferno should be at least 12 - 15 and the latest EBs around 30.

    With the addition of charms to the entire mix many of us would love to be able to upgrade ALL of the equipment we get in order to make the max level Charms. So increasing our ability to get Aqua/Inferno in reality will help many players get more involved in your recent Charms update devs. So help us be able to better partake in your update devs. You would see more people willing to engage in your charm trading market if more people were able to more easily upgrade their items more quickly.

    All I know is that despite all the aqua/Inferno I get from getting 40k every event I'm barely able to keep up with all the new equip upgrades. I'm sure many other players feel the same. So let's see if we can possibly get this done. Hopefully Devs Will notice.

    ADDITIONALLY, send in tickets requesting this or similar. They gave us a direct way to contact them, make use of it.
  2. Full support on all aspects. If for no other reason devs than to open up the gold sink. I can’t imagine anyone currently buying aqua for 5 xtals. But I know I would sink 10T in To buying aqua at 7.5b each
  3. I think they'd like a bigger gold sink than that. Try 75b per aqua.
  4. The Schwartz is with you!
  5. So then raise the price on inferno? The big thing here is that the aqua used to be rare and valuable because your top tier equipment needed it to finish off our last 2-3 lvls. Where as now it’s directly related to inferno so should have the same cost.
  6. Support!
  7. I sent in a ticket requesting them bring back the element events. These were events purely for players to gain aqua and inferno. You could choose either route to pursue or both.
  8. Save your energy, there’s no way devs will do any of these. It doesn’t benefit them in any way. They just wanna sit back relax and milk money off everyone. Countless of petition has been made, and now this will be like the rest. Down the drain
  9. The massive sink cost of equipment is to force you to hit NK . Don't expect them to change element drops
  10. Support. Elements event could come in handy
  11. The ammount of aqua and inferno im wasting on trying to enchant my weapon is absolute stupid please sort it out devs
  12. Why don’t the Devs just allow us to trade Aqua and Inferno? They encourage us to trade Red Lumber, Yellow Sandstone and Blue Ingot.
  13. I support this and think it's a great idea!
  14. I support this idea. We need a gold drain to mitigate ally inflation. I think new lands/building upgrades are premature and the discrepancy between spenders and non spenders is too large. Let us waste gold upgrading all the great we get
  16. Exactly my thoughts. It's a new gold sink for people who will be crying soon enough that we need new buildings because people are starting to catch up to them.

    Plus it's one that all players can use pretty easily with silver bar drops from events.
  17. Another solution would be to reduce the amount of times an equipment fails to enchant, or remove it on its entirety. I wouldn’t complain about drops in that case.
  18. They've already addressed this by removing level resets and reducing failure rate of better equipment. That's why I figure just adding more Aqua / Inferno to the game overall would be better for their new charm system. They WANT us to mass items to make them into charms to enter the trading market. People spend seals and circle pieces just to get some equip in that market. So, in theory, enabling more people to enter the market with better charms could increase devs income simply due to more market activity.
  19. support... for the 50th time lol
  20. I know it's redundant but they have listened before by giving us Aqua / Inferno events. So possibly they will listen by giving us a larger Aqua / Inferno event OR they will do the requests from my OP in order to alleviate the problem for the meantime. The idea is if we do appeal to them they do listen sometimes hence a new thread/petition to hopefully garner more support in order to help convince them.