Just to clarify ... we’re not talking about 2-3 hits per second .... but 20-25 in under 3 seconds.... please pc users ...go ahead and justify this as fair ... ...no repeat action button for phone users at war ... but pc users get to spam space bar as to repeat action... hmm that’s doesn’t seem fair at all
Well if you have warred on PC enough to know what you're talking about you would also be aware of its downsides, which you clearly weren't lol. Show the guy doing 20 attacks in 3seconds could ya. Most PC players don't even have internet capable of a third of that speed.
:lol: YOU sure talk a ton of smack for an alt. Luckily you've only been around 2 years and don't know shizzles.
This issue has been brought forward before. Hint* Devs don’t care about wars. They only care about events now and making money. KAW IS DEAD you just need to accept it then all gets right in the world again lol
Try nearly 8 years. And i know almost everything there is to know about wars having warred since the first wars of kaw to now. You, on the other hand, only hit ebs.
Cool story, yet here I am and you're posting with an alt. Anything you say is moot until you nut up buddy.
PSG I can justify it. It wasn’t just Faust assing you. It was OMG and beard too. I LOVE getting pestered by Faust about strats. Drives me BONKERS.
Side note, if anyone wants a video of me doing 3 attacks a second on someone this lowland war, don’t worry I’m taking it. You wanna see how easy pc is and the speed it offers, hit me with a follow. Until then. Keep calling pc users botters. Yes pc killed wars. Period. No denying that. But damn guys. Not everyone is a botter.