Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for bumping a three year old post
  2. Banned cuz its not a 3yr old post yet... thats next month
  3. Banned for being precise and not found
  4. Banned for having numbers in your name
  5. Banned for harassing a user for the name they chose.
  6. Banned 4 breaking every razor that came close 2 the beard..
  7. Banned for carrying more than the legal limit
  8. Banned for enforcing a legal limit, you dictator!
  9. Banned because I want to start a riot
  10. Banned 4 looting ata offices
  11. Banned cuz you was suppose to be look out and failed
  12. Banned for blaming the lookout...and not foreseeing my forum return :eek:
  13. Banned because I would have foreseen your return if you didn't break my magic orb
  14. Banned 4 having a bad magic orb
  15. Banned for fake magic stuff at your magic shop
  16. Banned for not buying any of it
  17. Banned cuz they're made from China
  18. Banned cuz it's pronounced "schina"
  19. Banned because no it's not schina its China
  20. Banned because you never know!