Death Note 2017 - My take

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Death Note 2017 - My take

    Before I begin, I'd like to point out there will be spoilers. You've been warned ;D

    There has already been a Death Note discussion thread earlier this week, however at that point in time I had not watched the film. So I could not provide knowledge backing other than the words of other people. The thread previously mentioned won't be able to house info this lengthy so it warrants a new thread.

    Today I have seen it and can say wholeheartedly... This film does not hold a candle to the original.

    Americanised version of Kira/Light Yagami/Light TURNER paints himself as a less fortunate individual, loss of a parent, immediate misfortune of detention, black eye, all to protect a woman.

    Unsure if americanised Kira is intelligent

    Story maintains that shinigami enjoy apples

    Ryuk's voice actor being William Dafoe is incredible.

    In the anime, Kira had already murdered people before his first meeting with Ryuk (The Shinigami)

    First kill has some weird final destination styled gore.

    American Kira has to be tempted to use the Death Note, while Japanese Kira didn't.

    American Kira's mother was killed by a mob boss, japanese Kira's mother was still alive.

    Essentially painting him as more of a 'tormented' individual.

    So newbie friendly in the fact it basically gives the viewer a small tutorial of how the death note works.

    Strange since this would typically be marketed to people already aware of the Death Note and its rules.

    Speaking of rules, the rules seem off. Changed somehow.

    Obvious plot point of mob boss and mother visited, 2nd kill/death in movie.

    Really hot girl (THAT LIGHT TRIED TO PROTECT) Randomly gets involved with the Light and his Death Note after the bully dies.

    Another difference, those who touch the death note (in the anime) sees the Shinigami/God of Death is now (in the american film) only the owner can see the Shinigami.

    Kira doesn't get some fine ass yummy chicky pie helping him until way later in the anime... He gets gril within 20 mins.

    Really pointless commentary saying he is going to become a symbol. Edge lord cringe.

    Light gives Kira title to himself, instead of others giving him the name.

    L, the antagonist doesn't really have that eccentric demeanor or atleast doesn't work the personality of Japanese L.

    L does possess the intelligence of the original L

    Kira worshippers appear too quickly it seems

    L's face and his talk towards Kira has the backdrop of an American Flag, slightly cringe.

    Light's gf is turned off by not killing anyone. Lolwat. Portraying her as motivation and Light as manipulated partially.

    Ryuk threatened by Light. I don't recall this happening in anime.

    Ryuk writes whatever names he wants in American D Note. While in the Japanese D Note, it does not have Ryuk write in the Death Note until the Owner is at their last few moments. *Note* Last scene of the Death note movie, Ryuk appears slightly after L finishes writing name, I believe this may signify Light's death.

    L surmises that Light is Kira within 50 minutes of the film. While in the anime, L is never completely certain... Merely having a lingering suspicion, constantly testing Light.

    Light basically confesses that he is Kira to L halfway through film.

    L lost his composure, showing he is not as strong-willed as expected.

    American Light's gf is backstabber. Japanese Light's gf was minion and blind follower.
    American Light is foolish and easily manipulated.

    American Light's gf demands ownership of Death Note by threatening to sacrifice Light.

    L lost his sanity after butler's passing, lmao.

    Light escapes death by having his death page burned right in front of L's eyes. What a brilliant coincidence.

    L finds a page of death note and writes someones name. Assumably, Light's but he could be mind controlled to write his own. *Note* But to be mind controlled, you need to know the target's name and Light never gained that knowledge. Therefore, Light dies.

    I'm unsure on how to take the ending.

    Regardless, the movie again does not hold a candle to the original animated series.

    Thanks for viewing.
  2. *Note*
    There are hints that Light is intelligent but it's never really explored.

    L explicitly mentions that Light is smart/bright.

    Though, light doesn't go into in-depth discussion about his plans to his gf or to Ryuk.

    He just has elaborate plans that flow from his butt, specifically his medically induced coma, where he manipulated two targets. A paramedic and a mail man, both respectfully evil in their own right.

    Good memez.
  3. A thread has already been made for opinions on this subject. Mod, merge please?
  4. His thread sucks though >.>
  5. Is this like anime or sum ?
  6. It was an japanese anime turned american film.

    It probably was a manga and I believe there were japanese death note movies as well.
  7. i've seen one of the japanese deathnote films & the anime...haven't seen this american one but sounds like it blows in comparison...I just saw the new americanised ghost in the shell movie sucked compared to the anime eps and films too...i can't figure out why they used scarlett johansen for it, she's clearly barely watched a few eps if even a whole one...what is it with americans turning animes into bs?... its like they think abit more action & cg will help enough that significant plot & character changes won't matter to the already existing fans lol. I've never been a fan of dubs alone, as most seem to destroy many of their character's appeal to me & sometimes the story aswell however I've been starting to watch a few americanised asian cinema films lately & gotta say they seem to be seriously lacking the depth that got their fans in the first place....ne1 know of a decent one they stayed true to the original version?