Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned 4 saying that movie is equal when the previews sucked so bad my tv die...
  2. Banned because obivsouly your tv sucks lol
  3. Banned because you can't even spell obviously :D
  4. Baned bkaus u kan spel
  5. Banned for banning him with obivous mockery lol
  6. Banned for not winning the spelling Bee :mad:
  7. Banned because spelling was never my strong suit
  8. Banned for not being good at spelling no dog treats for you
  9. Banned cuz I :lol: at that
  10. Banned for laughing no 420 for you
  11. Banned because while the dog treats thing might be bad, the no 420 thing.. that's just harsh!
  12. Banned for being a ripoff version of batman
  13. Banned because there was a "Bat man" that was a actual rip off of Batman. I am BatDog!
  14. Banned for being batmans bat hound
  15. Banned because you're Jay Z's killa
  16. Banned for being young
  17. Banned 4 taking ur humvee without paying the impound fee 1st
  18. Banned for it finding a map
  19. Banned because men need no map!