increase EE for war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GOLDEN-MINOTAUR, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. Lets start with simple.

    1. as op said, increase ee lvl to promote more people warring

    2. bring back e war only equips that hard core e warrers are proud to wear.
  2. oh i understand but i think it should goto 100%, go down 1% for a loss and up 2% for a win but once upto 100% can only go down, also after every 24 hours of not warring you lose 1% as to stop people getting 100 and leaving it
  3. Support. Could even get me warring again. At the mo it's simply not worth it I'm afraid.
  4. Yes this would be nice
  5. Man I'd actually throw up towers and war on a regular basis if they made that kind of change.

    However, I'm a realist. That won't happen.
  6. So what I'm hearing is, let's get sum moar inflation
  7. Well as war is PvP sort of it only makes sense for the spell to be PvP so change it to that and make it 300% sounds good to me maybe more people will play kaw.
  8. The biggest fault to increase inflation is FFA Wars give wins away hence unfairly increasing EE. An effective nerf is needed. Simply remove loser rewards in LL Wars.

    As for increasing EE level % banking in ALLIES and SB and not in eb's lessens inflation. Furthermore if more ppl war and more ppl join kaw due to war cuz it is more prominent its growth of the game.

    Inflation is a buzz word meaning what in actual game play and the effect amounts to what?
    Building towers to war is a drag on inflation.
    The more ppl who build towers for war the better wars will become.
    New and more expensive pots can be implemented in a manner where build size unlocks them to keep an even playing field.

    Shortened EE expiry will create less inflation and assuming otherwise is not looking into the numbers. Assuming inflation is ignoring only 50% win and 50% lose. As EE levels increase EE spells duration decreases. To keep what is earned requires less renewal waiting time.

    For EE 6+ new twists could be added to get the increase.

    That is open for discussion as to what that could be and is fair. Eg I'd study the eb builds and leaky builds to devise what constitutes a worthy war build to ascertain if EE promotion is warranted. The 48hr and 24hr expiry forces those who are EE 6+ to war to maintain or increase or decrease what was won.

    E war EQ i've requested often as its not usable for EB's being my twist. As i see it unique EQ for war is an enticement. Back when RANCOR points were around it pushed ppl to war more often. Can be done again or a new idea.
  9. Eliminating ffa shrinks the warring numbers even more
    No support
  10. They can give away golden tickets to Charlies choclate factory, idc until they bring back primal or round wars. It makes no sense that i cannot war my entire build with clanmates i choose.

  11. Thats if u think FFA is actually warring 
    More like T-Ball when scores r not used.
  12. I'm not to bothered by the ffa war guys tbh. On the whole I'm into winning wars. ( trying to) if they want to do it to get some freebies then go for it I guess. That said reducing the amount of freebies makes sense. Perhaps the reduced decrease in EE per war starts at 3EE. That way it's harder to exploit.

    Some great points and real input by nighthawk. Thx brother.

    A new system would be a lot of fun. There's always bugs but so what. It could evolve into something good.
  13. Support for this.
  14. No More equips
    Repeat past events
    Nullify Equips damage on ebs for players over a certain cs just as there are restrictions in cs hitting range do the same for ebs
    War equips only usable in wars and stats nullified outside just as % increase on cursebinger boots are nullified in wars
    Support for the increase in ee by 2% or so each time and time it lasts is no more than 48hrs.
    all of the above repeated for emphasis
  15. I play just for the B2B Cool Stories....

  16. I used to really enjoy war, but as a Hansel it is a losing battle. Unless your a ps, tank, or hybrid with bfa you are going to get destroyed. There would need to be a system in place that allows people to change their build for the Duration of war to get what I assume is the the majority of KaW (hansels) to show up for war. I assume current tanks wouldn't like that very much. I war for ee1. It's the only level that's practical for me to push for. Even then I lost the vast majority of the wars I do. There really isn't any reason for me to try to continue warring when there is such a small chance I win to get the extra 10% for ee2.
  17. Go all out attack the rest of your build and u will be very solid.
    Would be something like 900m/900m/1.3b/1.3b
    Could also eb and plunder very good still.