Trump bans trans people from military

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OkieDokie, Jul 26, 2017.

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  1. Well most of us just know male and female call em what you want all the terminology is tediculous
  2. no brain then
  4. This is actually not so true. People in Canada have already been succesful at placing their new born babies medical card to U instead of M/F because they do not want to identify the baby's gender. If this happens in the US then it will become a problem for the military.

    Identity politca has already started to try and change Sex as a whole and wants to replace it with their gender
  5. That's fine if people don't want to assign gender at birth however sex is biological fact unless you are intersex in which case you're usually assigned one that best matches your characteristics.

    Gender doesn't come into play for what level of fitness you are required to be in the military but sex does.
  6. Watch what happens to the next Olympics, every woman's records are going to be crushed

    Every metal in a woman's event is going to men with their thing cut off

    Everyone knows no amount of surgery can change the physiology of either men or women

    You got a chromosome or you don't

    It's a hard truth for noobs to swallow and in reality it is fair
  7. If I can shower with the women i'll say im a woman
  8. Would y’all pick a fight with a transgender seal ?
  9. There is no such thing

    Animals do not concern themselves with such matters

    If you do that to an animal you'll go to jail for abuse and cruelty
  10. Watch out, slayerbob might lock this thread too
  11. I personally couldn't care less either way. The only argument for keeping them in the military is that they potentially lost their livelihood.

    The unnecessary complications that having transsexual soldiers brings from both a logistical and moral perspective means that it can never happen.
  12. While this might be a PR nightmare for trump. I fully see where he is going with it. Like many have already pointed out the extra things that would be needed to accommodate for a trans would only complicate things. While I personally have no issues with it(live by the motto "you do you"). War is not a place to have anything that could possible complicate things. Just as my dad is not allowed to register for the draft due to his diabetes this is a way to remove something that could cause issues.
  13. He's still better than corrupt Hillary
  14. Why even bother with disallowing transgenders in the military anyway?

    I doubt anyone has heard of a situation where a transgender person in the us military has caused massive issues.

    What purpose does this present?

    I think Trump is trying to cause trouble for no reason.

    All he is, is simply an attention seeker.

    He loves this covfefe, he is getting.

    And you fools are giving him more.
  15. America is the strongest military might in the history of the planet. If the generals and those who run the military tell trump they are best not having trans genders , then that's the end of it.

    Trumps only crime is listening to what those who are an authority on the matter have suggested. You can't stump the trump

    no :roll:
  17. Last I checked, the advisors advise...

    They don't call the shots.

  18. Apparently not. His Generals told him and he followed orders. Thats the end of it.
  19. From whose mouth did the statement that his advisors called for this?

    If from Mr Trump, I think a question of "was he covering his own butt?" Is in order.

    Anyone can pass on the blame in a public statement, I doubt the potus can't do the same.
  20. Tell boba. Who then ?
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