Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WR3CKT, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. Definitely some great points... the plunder and builds should be even across the boards
  2. @Earendil, if the plunder is the same across all the builds, then you're implying build choice wouldn't matter.

    Let me just build only towers, and make the same plunder as an all-unit kingdom - hyperbole, but hopefully you see my point.
  4. No support... clearly you haven't seen the plunder troop builds make on new lands.
  5. 100% support
  6. Can you explain or give an example just out of curiosity?
  7. What is there left now? 5-10 towered tanks in the top 50 left now?

    The game has changed when those with the most gold to lose in a war game don't see any need to tower up to protect themselves.

  8. Yep. That about sums it up. Ikinky is right, Just enjoy the end of the ride.
    The coders are busy with heckfire, there not rescripting kaw mechs.
  9. There are none is why none r stated.

    Clearly the loss of building troops and the sub sequent loss of plunder to build towers is lost on him. A non towered build is hardly worth taking seriously. Only further proves ops point.
  10. Support--- would be nice to hear the devs perspective on this.
  11. I think this has more to do with BFA being a huge factor for the top 50 vs everyone else, given how big the disparity in kingdoms are now. Why give up plunder for towers when you don't need the towers?

    Alternatively, the hits that the towers aren't stopping are easily out-earned. - this particular reason is why you don't see low-end skirmishing any more: the enemy can ignore and outgrow you as a clan while you attack them. Less than everyone else, sure, but more than you. When you factor in Legends rewards, low-end out-of-system PVP is dead.
  12. If you are not getting targeted, why build towers when you don't need to? That doesn't prove OP's point just because towers aren't built - it proves towers are a defensive measure for a cautious player regularly under attack.
  13. Support, they need to do something to even the playing field between a hyb/tank VS a hansel
  14. Whaaaaa I'm attack build waaannnn 

  15. No towers is an EB build only.
    Hansels go PS for EE if smart.
    U miss the point that Hansels have all the advantages.

    Even OSW builds utilize towers.
    The plunder imbalance puny attack gives is the issue.

    Defending faerie builds is 1 dimensional and lacks any solid argument.
    If ppl wish to eb only then don't enter EE.
    If the desire is to kill off attack builds without changes thats insane.
    I chose to be a tank and i can live with that but the fact remains that hansels r not controlled.

    How about a Hansel make their case why everything is perfectly fine?
    Include all mechs and factor in OSW PvP and EE without solely basing it on eb only ppl.
    This not a special interest request so consider KaW in its entirety.

    BTW I have a hansel alt and will not say it is good that Hansels have the excess in advantages.
  16. Sorry but i dont Support. Upgrade wisely. Next lands will coming out every 6 month now...

  17. 1 4.2t ally....not far from losing max plunder....tread carefully lol
  18. Or go Hansel and stop moaning about the cons of an attack build ffs
  19. No support everyone knew the hansel mechs when they chose to grow there build however the pots need to become relevant again , maybe % pots or mith becomes a realistic increase maybe % based ? Maybe a spell that ads to bfa by% to encourage ally market .