Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for listening to ffdp
  2. Banned because I'm the 4401st post
  3. Banned 4 stating that
  4. Banned for not starting that
  5. Banned because crouton
  6. Banned for being a bear
  7. Banned for not making that rhyme, you have time, put some effort into this
  8. Banned for asking people to put forth effort
  9. Banned for lack of effort
  10. Banned cuz aint nobody got time 4 that
  11. Banned for getting lost in the 420 area
  12. Banned 4 not finding me
  13. Banned because lost
  14. Banned for participating in this thread without me
  15. Banned because why would he need you when he's got me !
  16. Banned because sharing is caring
  17. Banned for thinking people on this game share and care
  18. Banned for being so negative.There are some people on kaw with a heart.
  19. Banned for not volleyiing me :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
  20. Banned for having numbers!