Forum feature addition

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. How much would it take to have an upvote/downvote feature implemented into the forums? I think this would heavily influence the effectiveness of forums, and help devs a TON in getting an idea of what the community supports and doesnt support. Also, being able to "upvote" a thread/comments would deter trolls from trolling a heavily upvoted idea that could actually be a good idea but nobody who supports feels like taking the time to reply "support" or give additional feedback to the thread.
  2. No support
  3. I downvote this
  4. These kind of forums shouldn't be a popularity contest, really.
  5. I completely agree with you thrawn.

    Forums are all about sharing ideas and bashing each other in a lighthearted and soul crushing way. A system where players hide behind arrows or positive/negative scores rather than commenting would lead to less forum interaction imo.

    I like seeing criticism, I like seeing ideas improve. A simple yay/nay would destroy that
  6. It'd atleast help the devs get an idea of what the community supports/doesnt. And promote overall forum efficiency.
  7. If this feature was added out would make people less likely to post feedback on ideas.
  8. The comment is the up vote

    This kind of idea might only work on idea and feature requests

    But would easily be exploited

    Devs do not care what you like, they care about your credit card, vote with your dollars
  9. I asked for this last year sometime and got a lot of support, but apparently the developers don't regulate/run the forums.
  10. Very true. Actually I can already imagine a few players desperate enough to upvote/downvote with dozens of alts.

    But still, maybe an upvote/downvote system only devs could see? Then they could filter replys in threads like the community wish list (which has over 500) by the amount of upvotes. Atleast it would help them gather a better idea of what is supported and what is not in megathreads such as that.
  11. Get one of the top 5000 who practically pay the developers' salary and push the developers through short, concise emails to implement something.

    Otherwise get nothing done at all besides the devs picking up something that a customer suggested maybe 4 years ago and giving them no credit whatsoever for it.
  12. The current state the forums are in, I pretty much agree