Emoji Freedom Force: Operation Free the Emojis️

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, May 30, 2017.

  1. Emoji Freedom Force

    I know that may of you are aware of this new group of peaceful protestors. We call ourselves, the Emoji Freedom Force. We fight against the evil and dull non-Emoji users. The leader of these heretics is none other than the beloved mod Michael.

    Michael, the poster child of dullness. The one critic who kept DiCaprio from winning an Oscar. The one who thought Al Gore should've been president. The one who probably thinks George Washington freed the Canadians.

    Michael, oh dear Michael.

    We the people of KaW are standing up. We beg you. Free your emojis. The emojis you have kept hidden in your chambers of dullness are crying to be released.

    People of KaW, we ask that you post the cry of freedom on Michael's wall.

    Our cry for freedom will forever ring in the hearts of the people.

    Free the Emojis!
    Down with the Dull!

    FTE️Down with the Dull️FTE
  2. 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
  3. My thought on what emoji Michael should use as his "signature emoji"

    Ain't it cute!
  4. Disgraceful 

    Support 
  5. 5,000 posts. I've came so hard I mean far in KaW.