Bend over ( Recruiting)

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Evil, May 28, 2017.

  1. It's kinda pathetic how desperate you are for perms. You've been pming me everyday for about a week now.
  2. Hmm
  3. I pmed one time last week and one more today lol but saw you were a eb fairy and unfollowed you let's not lie for forums
  4. Not to mention our clans perty well full so not sure why we would "pm" you everyday 
  5. Well Kyro hasn't been partying much then.
  6. I don't support some of the things this clan has (allegedly) done, but some of their members are top class people. I was in the clan briefly and in another clan which merged into them after a brief osw. Support, but for some of the members only
  7. Think you should talk to your old leaders I'm sure they can assure you we "allegedly" did nothing wrong lol
  8. If the clan thread sucks so bad please tell me how to make it better or shut the hell up.
  9. It's a joke referring to the fact the only supporters are people in your clan.
  10. Just wait until you guys piss off another clan then you'll go back to being dead again
  11. Lovin the butthurt guys thats the effect we leave on people here at bend over
  12. Worst clan
  13. OSW experience :lol: you tried allying to LHL to help them then backed out after you gota lil bit of inc and call us a fairy clan?! Haha we still here today fighting and what are you doing? Hitting ebs w/ your fairy ass :lol:
  14. Key words, "lil bit of inc" Anyways back to fairying
  15. ^Oh man, anywhere this guy goes his clan dies.

    Rippy rippy chicken chippy
  16. I'm bored, entertain me peasants.
  18. Go back to being inactive. Because you're nothing but a troll
  19. Support :-D
  20. You got problems huh buddy?