Hello for a while now I've dreamed of a personal/Clan eb kill counter. Let's say I land the killing blow on 5 Goths I could then go into my profile like achievement and check what EB I have killed(landed kill hit) and how many times I have killed a certain EB. You could also eventually implement like personal/clan and or global quests where say you have 3 week to kill 4 Goth or 1 week to kill 30 warbeast ect rewards could be in the form of literary anything from items, bars, xtals, nobs, pots, tokens or mith Happy Kawing
I think this could be implemented in the future as part of the new quest system, difficult for devs to balance, since everyone would want to be able to complete it
Legends will allow this to be implemented pretty easily. Legends is actually going to be pretty cool I think.