This is my first time posting to the forums. I apologize in advance for the Idea not being clear or restating someone else's previous idea. I have, and I know others have as well, run into trying to start a EB for someone who wishes to use one their premium items. When the EB is under way however, they are no longer online to use said item. Now there are 4 options: use your item for the EB instead, forfeit, frantically ask around for someone else to open, or buy the item used for the EB. The first one option is not that bad but the other 3 are bad positions to be in. So my idea/feature is to have a purchasable bank for the clan that can hold items to be used for EBs. This would be a one time purchase of about $5-$10 for any clan that wanted it and can hold 250 or so items. This bank can be given access to selected members or to members who are at or above a certain rank. Any item can be stored in this bank, but it cannot be taken out, only used in an EB. This way people can't just take the item and run off to use the item somewhere else. However this means that once you put an item in the bank, it will be for the clan and up to the " bank tellers" when it will be used. With this clan bank or "chest"(since it holds items it could be a "vault" too I guess) the previous example wouldn't be a problem. All the person with the item would have to do is put it in the bank and then the other person, assuming they can get to the chest, get then use it on the EB when it is under way. Thanks for reading -DS-
K so what happens when I put a load of seals in this bank and then my clan decides to kick me? For making a crap thread on forums for example.
That is the risk of putting the item in there. It is yours to put in there in the first place. It would be the same result if you used the item(s) and they kicked you right after so you couldn't get any reward.
Lol, so you're telling me if I put like 50 seals in the bank and then get kicked its just tough luck? Lmao
Maybe it would be wise to only put on in at a time so that you can contribute without risking being screwed over... Hmm..
If a clan kicks people after they contribute to the bank, they'll be communally put on a blacklist pretty quick.
I personally think it's a pretty good idea. Maybe give people the ability to pull their items out should they choose to, (if devs want to make money, make it cost a nob, idk), or have them get their items back should they leave/get kicked. That way the clan still can have items in the bank to run ebs, but no risk of them being lost if an admin goes on a power trip.