umm thanks game for the message

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Help_im_Dying, May 8, 2017.

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  1. So I recently updated the game on iOS and about a day after I started get messages that where new and by my account useless. These messages are messages that appear as posted minutes ago but are telling me that the clan I'm in completed an epic battle multiple hours ago.

    These messages appear like
    Your clan has completed Storm the Palace(46 hours ago)

    I am wondering if this was intentional or by accident that these messages appear.

    (Ps: if i can post images can some explain how)
  2. score!! I just finished BR twice 35 hrs ago! e.e
  3. yes did also override the new br tsg 13%
  4. Help, I believe devs are pushing out missing blood rains eb plunder spells that weren't given in ebs completed over the weekend. It was probably a glitch and the devs are working to give people the missing %.
  5. Oy, that could just be it right there lol
  6. Yes, except it's replacing new spells that are better.
  7. Your clan completed 'Ambush - Blood Rains' (51 hours ago) and you have been rewarded Blood Rains Plunder Bonus - 9% for your participation! We just finish TSG and still only got 9%???? Monkeys wake up!! :evil:
  9. Yes you can post images

  10. This has been resolved.

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