"Forgiveness doesn't excuse 'their' behavior. Forgiveness helps prevent 'their' behavior from destroying your heart"
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink. Forgiveness in a fight or flight situation is not a good thing.
pretty self righteous wolf! and why do you keep mixing religions to try to push your invalid points? you are in the simplest terms a predator trying to hide in something purer than yourself but you're still a predator!
Here is why it might not be a good idea to forgive and why individual circumstance is necessary. Say someone does you wrong and you have to go to court and that anger propels you to continue in court. If you forgive, you lose the fight. Flight or fight.
i forgive 1-2 times i am pretty easy going and dont dwell on being angry at them for too long . i brush it off . But on the 3rd if they choose to try hurt me again . i will most definantly get revenge on them .And i dont care how long it takes . I wont let anyone take advantage of me or take me for stupid . Great advice Wolf. it makes you question how you react to things. i am pretty hotheaded and act first and think later .Then i do feel a little guilty so your advice gives you the insight of stay calm and think :-mind over matter !
Aye Roni. Everything in life is a choice. Not one person can force another to do or choose anything. Forgiving is the slow process of unraveling resentments we carry with us. The more forgiving we can practice on becoming, the less time it takes for us to one by one, ease the burden of resentment in our own heart. @ Exit- Our debate is over. I said this already. You bring no further valid points to this discussion in favor of your remarkably closed minded claims. Go troll elsewhere. @Rogue- Same applies. Don't troll. I take into consideration the views and opinions of credible folks. You have none. Your posts will neither be read, nor will I reply further to you more than to inform, your view means nothing to me. Go earn some credibility Rogue. When you can speak with me in the fashion of one who doesnt hate them self, I will listen. Until them, no thx. Come to this discussion bringing valid opposing debate, and you will be acknowledged. As of now, I see no more reason to continue your debate Exit. **fyi, Exit <~ is on purpose. You have not earned the acknowledgment of what your name implies. I'm not an existentialist, but I'm moreso than you even still.