I haven't done bb codes in ages, but I'm pretty sure it's the same as [ imgfit][ /imgfit] and insert the gif URL in between
I'm still waiting for my ban, it's been two years now, no ban yet? something smells poopy with wolf's claims!
Part of the reason that i don't believe your side is because you're delusional Which you have proven just now
That's funny Grave... Cuz EVERYONE I've talked to about u, can't stand you weird eh? LSA don't care bout you. I'd be careful. And as for Miek, nothing delusional there. Ive known miek almost 7 years. Her honesty and integrity, loyalty and care leave damn near every player in the dust, myself included. There are many aspects of her kindness I've used as my own guide thru the years. Your blatant ignorance says more about you, Grave, than anything I could ever say. You have Zero credibility, even by ur clannies standards. What you choose to believe of what I say means nothing. Truth stands firm on it's own. It is deception that must constantly look for "validation" through skewed majority view. And Rogue. I'd suggest patience. I have no need to "push" for your ban. You will hang yourself with the rope given someday. Of that I am certain. Liars are always brought to light. I've been in the spotlight the whole time now, and look <~~ Im still here. Welcome to join me if you aint scared to let people see you . But we both know you won't, right Rogue? XD
Wolf is the liar, proof is in the pudding, it's been well known for years not just by those SS but by other girls who play kaw who have come forward and confirmed it in other threads that were locked. Try as you will wolf to rebrand yourself, your a no good, low down, dirty poop head. I could care less if you forgive yourself. I don't forgive you.
Those girls were really men pretrnding to be underage females to spread slander and lies. Wolf is still here so your faked screenshots were not believed.
Noone cares about you trying to keep your name alive defending this perv. You two should do everyone a favor and get married and disappear into a delusional seclusion.
Look semzz the div my name is always going to be kept alive on this game wether i am here or not .You have done nothing unique on kaw you just a cog in the wheel of invictus .You dont stand out on your own merit. You only chirp up when others have put the topic already in motion.You aint a self starter semzz .
Aaaaaand on that note. I'm sure we can all agree that this thread has partied with the line that is the RoC and ToU and so I shall be cutting it short here with a /lock.