What's the point of life?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _ZE_FireKTN_MP_, Apr 23, 2017.

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  1. to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
  2. carnally?
  3. Experience, love, learn, see what happens when you die... might surprise most of us.
  4. Do something.
  5. Lmao
  6. Reading this has made my day better :) thank you
  7. reproduce and die
  8. Point of life is to create new life!!
  9. Raise good kids and have lots of sex. Get head while you kaw.
  10. I can see that op doesn't have kids or they wouldn't have asked this question.
    I genuinely feel sorry for those who die without having kids because truly you will be forgotten and not have a piece of u live forever.
  11. I go to certain banks.. does that count?

  12. Not to nit pick. But thats some flawed logic there :)
    You could have kids and have your bloodline wiped out 2 generations later.

    Having children is a life choice. Its not a trophy to obtain so one can lord it over others.

    I myself am quite comfortable not having kids.
    While my bloodline may fade to nothing, thats something thats not an issue to me.
    What is, is educating the next generation to respect one another. Be good to each other, and never stop learning.

    My knowledge is what i pass on, and that my friend, can out last bloodlines :)
  13. Cool .....whatever gets u through the day mate .
  14. No need to pout.
    It wasn't an attack on your lifestyle.
    Simply an observation that everyone is an individual and have different ideas on whats important in their life.
    M'kay ;)

    Now turn that frown upside down and go have fun hmm ;)
  15. Uuuhhhh......No....Ur knowledge is soon forgotten my friend....lol

  16. We all know that wont happen :D
  17. OP (Pink lol lol lol) your focus on external loci, which will always make life more volatile. Seeking approval, remembrance or justifications from others will always disappoint.

    What you do with your life should matter only to you. This does not mean be selfish or hedonistic, but fill yourself as a vessel so you can then fill others.

    It is said that a man dies two deaths, first the physical and the second when the last person who knew him dies. This again focuses on an external loci though. If you embrace death as just part of the cycle as Buddhists do, not to be feared then what happens after you are gone becomes moot and frees you to thrive in this life.

    If you can shift your thinking to an internal loci and accept that life is what it is, good and bad, that happiness is an end and not a goal or a to do list item you may find peace.
  18. Life has no point lol might as well just enjoy your time alive and do what will make you happy and let everyone else do what makes them happy ^_^
  20. I remember a quote from a song, but not exactly so let me try to paraphrase it.

    No matter how insignificant something you do feels, you need to keep doing it. Because nobody else will.

    Take that how you will, but there are many different opinions to this question and none of them are wrong.
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