To see, or Not to see

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AW_BlackFission-_-Wolf_NO, Apr 23, 2017.

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  1. Lols at the people who are dragging their bs drama into something completely unrelated. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    p.s. grow up, then talk trash
  2. I'll hate the player, thanks anyway though
  3. Highly doubt your even old enough to know the game. ;)
  4. Could have sworn you were defending op against batdog on his past threads..
  5. Lmao says the 3 year old :lol:
  6. Aye Fire. We call those hypocrites
  8. lol khali!

    I'll put this in a different angle.

    Those traits of the Sociopath Do scare me. My mind does everything in its power to try and hide the fact that Ive shared bits an pieces of those traits. <--- If I dont take the time and effort to recognize those... all I'll be doing is destroying myself faster, continuing on a reckless life's journey- still hurting people, wondering why.

    This post was not meant as a finger pointing charades game. It's very much applicable to maybe everyone, depending on how deep anyone is willing to look.

    Mayhaps, it would've been wiser of me to explain that first. Somethin worth remembering anyways lol.
  9. In B4 lock; nonsense or genius post can't tell.
  10. Yay he just describe me
  11. Support
  12. Support the supporter
  13. When you get old enough to understand us big boys talk, let me know :)

    Now. Since Ill be repeating myself for, idk, the 4th time now-

    This thread... It's not an accusation aimed at anyone. I had a sociopath in my life when I was younger. They did NOT have all of those traits. Those are the most common found in Psychology. If parts of this ring a bell, I reiterate, that's a good thing. <--- Now stop trying to be clever, and apply that intellect to something more useful. Like yourself.

    Thanks for yallz replies

    **Edit** Do some research. I can imagine you're thinking to yourself- well anybody like that would be obvious. No. And here is why...

    They use a very fundamental way of manipulation. And please don't try to tell me, "well I don't manipulate". Yes you do. We all do. Own it and move on. The Sociopath actually preys on the more basic emotions- Fear. Anger, etc. That's how they get close. We want the feeling of safety. They point out how "unsafe" the world is... and boom, bff. <-- that's Not normal, just so you're aware.

    They will convince you they "are only trying to protect you from the crazies". Ask yourself this- who does that??? I don't bunny hop around in life finding people that I can "conveniently" protect you from lol. If I have face a scenario that someone is in need of my help.... It sure didn't come from me eagle-eyeing anyone. Problems are part of life- Problems created intentionally aren't... or rather, don't have to be.
  15. Is op still a predator and a perv?
  16. Sigh... No chubby. Your reply is noted.


    Khali- so nice to see another intellect again :) You got a much better way of gettin peeps ta like you than I do >.< meh, baby steps for me, I guess lolz

    Light- Thanks :)

    ***Edit*** It has been brought to my attention that I do no credit to myself with witty comebacks, as they make me look bitter. So I will take the first step, as Ive "edited out" my witty comeback. Ya makin this hard ya know.

    A word of advice Chubby- if you're gonna try and close a thread by troll... don't be so obvious. You're makin the trolls look bad.

    ^ But that one has a point >.< Baby steps!
  17. Ever since I first brought this post forward, Ive noticed with increasing unease that this op might be more abundant than originally anticipated...

    I mention no names, and neither am I baiting. If this bothers you, that's fine... keep it within ToU.

    I believe the main cause of this epidemic is simple- "'s just a game". People separate their actions here from "reality" as they perceive it. A word to the wise however- Your actions ANYWHERE, under ANY circumstance, that ARE SOCIOPATHIC in nature... IS REALITY!

    "It's just a game" - is socio-level denial. Think about it.

  18. So.... we're your actions towards little girls "just a game"?
  19. How disgusting you are ashaya to be coninueing to spread lies and slander about wolf. You nothing more than a bandwagon jumper .
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