Speculation, infestation and condensation

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Speculation, infestation and condensation

    Skip to tl;dr if required

    So it's raining right now and I just viewed KaW's thread.
    The one about an interesting new events feature.

    There we got the great reveal, a new face of KaW...


    This is as good as it's going to get. A new mascot and I can't shake the feeling they may have done something similar with their other titles.

    Regardless, time to speculate.

    Arkosa is a strong name and unsurprisingly, means bear in greek. She's a skilled warrior mainly focusing in close quarters judging by her weaponry.

    But this character is different, so...

    - An archer but has a blade
    - Long distance fighter but capable at close quarters
    - Has scar on nose, had a close call
    - Red hair
    - Green hood and favors steel silver and brown armor
    - Is in a nature settings so enjoys nature?

    With this description I'm sure we'll be able to collect our thoughts.

    What is her name?

    ...After reading all this, you'll wonder what infestation refers to... It means nothing, I just needed a catchy title.

    Thanks for reading.

    No tl;dr
  2. Kasama...

    Did you just put that ginger as your Tinder Elite profile?
  3. Her name is Ash.
  4. You didn't mention the parchment in her left hand. Is that a magical scroll or just a grocery list? Perhaps it is a battle list. I can't wait to find out more.
  5. It's my phone number.
  6. I'm still wondering why PIMD is being advertised in a 3rd party app but not KAW...But that's just me.
  7. Because pimd is better...
  8. Because pimd is better...
  9. This…
  10. Maybe shes the girl in the green dude ebs