To see, or Not to see

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AW_BlackFission-_-Wolf_NO, Apr 23, 2017.

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  1. You can run. You can hide from others. But you can never outrun and hide from yourself...

    Forum Moderators- Hi it's me again. I understand you've got a job to do. I ask that you take into consideration this topic, that it not be deleted so readily. If you must lock it, that's ok. The purpose of this is informative... I have put much consideration into this, to keep it as unbiased as I can. Thanks.

    This is your friendly neighborhood Wolf, bringing to you for the first time (maybe) an inside look at...

    The Sociopath

    Do not be alarmed!! They've only already fooled you, and it isn't like you gave em everything they wanna know... right? (a joke)(hopefully)

    *** Disclaimer Warning ***
    This will Offend some. I am stating right now, I will mention NO names. I will NOT insinuate any clans, clan families, or individual players. This is purely informative. You are more than welcome, even encouraged, to fact check what is provided here.

    ~ My goal is this ~

    To provide you with enough information- truthful info- to allow you, the reader, to deduce your own level of understanding.

    *** Reply Disclaimer ***
    I implore you, plz do not reply hastily. This a subject the hyenas are liable to be pouncing on... quickly. Im aware the risk to myself, my character, for presenting this. I would like you to be as careful, for your own dignity and credibility. Thank You

    Behaviors of a Sociopath-

    [Noted- This info here is copy/paste, to keep any bias I'd have, clear of this]

    -Glibness and Superficial Charm-

    -Manipulative and Conning- (Yes, conning)
    They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. 

    -Grandiose Sense of Self-
    Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." 

    -Pathological Lying-
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. 

    -Callousness/Lack of Empathy-
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. 

    -Shallow Emotions-
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises. 

    -Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt-
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way. 

    *** Other Notable Behavior ***
    -Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
    -Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
    -Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
    -Conventional appearance
    -Goal is enslavement of their victim(s)
    -Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
    -Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
    -Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
    -Incapable of real human attachment to another
    -Unable to feel remorse or guilt
    -Extreme narcissism and grandiose
    -May state readily that their goal is to rule the world
    [End of copy/paste]

    Owl's Notes-
    From what I've been able to glean in my studies of the Sociopath, is their underlying "Need" to look normal- to blend in I suppose. Their confirmation for justifying actions that Most of us wouldn't even consider within the realm of humanity, is majority. They seek to have their actions glorified, like a popularity contest on who can hurt others the most.
    Now, as you were reading this, if your at all honest with yourself, you probably got that "ping" in your awareness... a thought may have gone back to a time you may have done similar. Understand, that's actually a GOOD thing to notice. For those of you who felt this is a waste of time, no connection whatsoever... My sincere wishes for the best for you.

    It is not uncommon to read this and almost supernaturally attempt to avoid this topic in every way- both consciously and sub. That's ok. The description I gave above scares the living poop outta me too. My thoughts race like monkeys in my head... instantly trying to find every possible reason none of this would pertain to me.

    However- To lie to myself and say, "None of that bothered me one bit"... <-- Well, you know who you are. Enough about that.

    Pema Chodron, teacher at the Abbey in Nova Scotia, often talks about leaning into our emotions. Yes- "leaning" lol. Dont fear them. Understand them. (Monk) Yes. This is insanely difficult, not going to sugar coat that. For those who managed to read the whole topic, you are brave souls indeed. And here's the fun part- if u have read all this, find the word in this paragraph that is in parantheses and post it at the bottom of your Reply, no telling lol.

    This is a touchy subject. I hope y'all can understand- yah Im a bit odd. A bit hasty in confrontation, have hurt a lot of people too. For those I've hurt, please do understand I carry that burden willingly, that I never forget again. I am human as well. We are taught to embrace our mistakes. They show us the path that needs the most work.

    I'd love to convey to you some interesting happenings in life that got me to this point, but alas- personal info shan't be posted in public channels. There are some who know. If your sincere about wanting to understand, they'll find you. The truth always finds a way to be known.

    ** I accept your thoughts on this, whether they be of cruel nature, kind, or confused. Thank you for your time

    C'est la vie *mic drop*
    ~awno~ (confused monk works too)
  2. You make it sound like they're some kind of demon.
  3. What's the point of this thread? o.o

    It's like a description for sociopathy that you basically copy pasted here with slight commentary and like a paragraph or two, you begging the reader to either not lock the thread (moderator) or beg them to pay attention? Huh.
  4. Read into the advice given in his own paragraph. If you do not understand it, you have not seen darkness growing inside yourself yet in life…
  5. Ahhh great thread, Wolf. Finally got diagnosed by your many doctors and looked up these things in order to learn about yourself better? I enjoyed this post immensely. Please tell us more about your "needs" :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. 
  7. It's interesting that you seem to be able to write about this topic with a perceived fluency that you do not, nor have not shown outside of these forums.

    I commend you on your efforts here Wolf, It's a well put together post :)

    But in saying that, I do wish you would display this sort of intellectual finesse and willingness to help others outside of forums, instead of your usual antagonistic modus operandi.

    Regardless of our past, you've written a well constructed and mostly factual piece here.

    Nice work :)
  8. Again, this fit right in with your last post, please stop making new posts and clogging up at with this crap.
  9. Why do you post the same thing multiple times in forums? :lol:
  10. Noted Hatter, thanks. I mean this respectfully, but I am no different here, than outside of forums. Take a closer look-see, and then Im positive you will understand. Wc is hardly a placs to judge character. That's like watchin a cage full of monkeys and deciding that one of em is the cause of all dissention.

    I dont control them. Im not responsible for what they do in wc. I cant force them to act like civilized folk. Im not the causs of their misery- they CHOOSE to hate me lol.

    That's on them, not I. But I appreciate ur reply. The funniest part has already begun lolol. I dont have to go searching for them lol, they show themselves right here :)
  11. To the haters lol.

    Now, as you were reading this, if your at
    all honest with yourself, you probably got that "ping" in your awareness... a thought may have gone back to a time you may have done similar. Understand, that's actually a GOOD thing to notice. For those of you who felt this is a waste of time, no connection whatsoever... My sincere wishes for the best for you.

    You were informed lol. But sociopathic behavior wouldnt understand this, as Khalifa mentioned earlier lolol.

    "you can run. you can hide from others. but you cannot out run or hide from yourself." <-- If ya dont understand that, take a closer look at yourself :)
  12. "A cage full of monkeys" Is pretty much my every weekend.
    Except they're drunk....And mouthy.
    And can't tell their left from their right...and smell like a wet muddy dog thats been infront of the heater for an hour, then wants to invade your personal space to get up close and personal so the whisky or beer or wine they've been drinking is now slapping you in the face!
    not to mention they also spit like Kasama while trying to talk,and you start thinking a rain jacket at work is not a bad idea! Or a ski mask for that fact :)
    ..And thats on a good day :D

    But I hear you :)
  13. If you take a closer look, I did Not once imply good or bad. The description was not mine. I looked around on Psychology. What is shown is simply ths truth. Owl's notes is my outlook on it. If the implication of "Demon" is thought of, make sure u understand why you think that.

    @Xoxo - your reply is noted. however, uour claim is falss. Search the forums. You will sse no "repeated topic" of this subject.
  14. lmfao! monkeys are everywhere e.e. again thanks for your perspectivw. I only have one view point, me lol. It's the constructive criticisms that help me see a broader view. Mucb appreciated
  15. Your criticism is noted. However, I'd like to point out, your statement/accusation is in blatant conflict with the deeming of me as a sociopath.

    Ill reiterate- They scoff at others who try to understand them. Unable to see their actions as wrong.

    You might try reading a little more closely. A word of advice- a potential sociopath would very clearly reject anything in tjis topic. why? Becuz that's their very nature lol. juz so ya know :)

    "For those of you that think this is a waste of time, no connection whatsoever... My sincere wishes for the best for you"

    Or close enough lol
  16. i look forward now to Wolf's threads and i enjoy reading them . Keep shining Wolf .There is always going to be the run of the mill people writing no-brainer comments. They are doing us a favour and probably cant see that it motivates us to keep improving and pushing on.
  17. Do a forums Search. Let me know when you find another topic on sociopathic behavior.

    If you're referring to my post- Personal Responsibility... I'll happily concede to your point, as soon as you can show me have this is the same topic.

    This is an informative post. Take it how u wish
  18. Thanx roni! It's good to hear that sometimes.

    *edit* It was brought to my attention some of you perceive my threads as directed at you... I can assure you, they are not. They wouldn't be called "Understandings" if I was blind to the fact they are valid with me too.

    My outlook on these informative posts-

    - They are not, specifically, associated with anyone. I do not wish to spend whole days contemplating the best post to attack any of you. I specifically mentioned, no targets. **This thread applies to me too**

    -I have no need to portray Sociopathic behavior as a "demon" of sorts. Again, I specifically left it up to you to see it how u wish.

    -Here's the minimalistic ways that I took to get where Im at today:

    •I have abused people in the past. I have shattered people's feelings too. It's a burden I choose to take with me, my reminder- I can be as cruel as anyone.

    •My life has been full of "crashes", metaphorically speaking. Aye, we all have. Mine simply led me down this path for change.

    •Hatter made mention on another thread- When their actions begin to cause them more suffering than good, people will change. <-- Absolutely spot on. I have suffered more from My actions, than any one of you could ever hurt me.

    -Life offered me hurt, and lots of it. This is ok, in restrospect. I highly doubt if life had been any other way for me, that I'd have found understanding in many things.

    -I implore you, take a closer look within. that's where your answers are. If those behaviors did not ring a bell in your head... That's a warning sign! Read the topic again if you can't see that.

    Thx again roni
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