The Old Man of the Forest Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TE_xOfficerDash, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. The Old Man of the Forest

    Level 1 - The Old Man of the Forest
    Time: 12 hours

    Blood Rains Time: N/A
    Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: N/A

    Description: The sound of insectnoid stridulation can be heard realms away as Wurohl forrest is overrun by Giant Beetles! The Beetles act as carriers as they swarm Barcnock, The old man of the forrest, and the strange infection spreads to consume him!

    PHASE 1:
    First: Use Item: Honey Coated Seed

    Drawn to the honey-soaked-seeds, the ground shakes as the Giant Beetles stampede through the forest towards you!

    PHASE 2

    Attack: "Stampeding Beetles" [19,053]
    Attackinate: "Wurohl Forrest Wurm" [28,580]
    Use Item: "Rain of Fire" on Impenetrable Exoskeleton [38,106]
    Attackinate: "Thrashing Mandibles" [38,106]

    Attackinate Main Bar 75%

    Cleaving through the insectile-onslaught, Barnock the infested is upon you! You must Rally!

    PHASE 3

    Attackinate: "Hold the Line" [33,343]
    Attackinate: "Fight Back!" [52,396]
    Attack: "Prevent Barcnock's Escape" [14,290]
    Scout: "Spreading Footprints"

    Attackinate Main Bar 50%

    Barnock trundles back to the forest leaving infection in his wake. You must persue him to prevent further spread!

    PHASE 4

    Attackinate: "False Floor" [23,816]
    Use Item: Amulet of Truth on "Advance With Caution" [38,962]
    Use Item: Chalice of Life on "Acid Rain" [65,462]
    Attackinate: "Fight Infection" [57,159]
    Attackinate: "Break the Old Man" [66,686]

    Attackinate Main Bar 0%

    The day is yours! Admist the shattered exoskeletons of countless insects, Barcknock the infested falls and hits the foresr floor, and does not rise. The plunder from the battle is yours! Selona decends to heal the Wurohl forest.


    MAX DROPS = 1629
  2. Please update with ichor drops if you can get that info
  3. I have also just realised devs have changed the items needing to be used. I will update with relative info as well. Please bare with me
  4. What? Doing this eb just now the phases r different lol

    Edit: you fixed it :p
  5. as he said, the devs changed some stuff. He'll fix it 
  6. To do the size you choose a number between 1-200. 100 is normal size.
  7. Rain of fire(p2 bar3), Amulet of Truth(p4 bar2), Chalice of life(p4 bar3)
  8. Sorry guys, a lot of fiddling. Will have remainder of guide up in a few..

    Been a while since I usee bbcodes lol
  9. There you go everyobe! Max drops I have seen for Ichor so far is 214. Will update if greater.

    The eb is same for other levels just harder
  10. I got 537 of the bottles beetle ichor from the eb the spreading infection
  11. Awesome work! Will update now, thank you
  12. got 1375 from the normal TOMotF and 1474 from (crushing) tier. Highest amounts for me so far.
  13. First bar P2 (beetles) is atk only imo
  14. Does anyone know the chest drop rate?
  15. Op you're drunk
  16. I got 1629 bottled from Old
  17. Noted and updated. Thank you!
  18. How

  19. Having good wifi for the items :p