Clan Rank Whitelist

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xXP_3Xx_Gamren_xXP_3Xx, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Before we start off, I haven't hopped on/actively used the forums in years. This idea has probably been said before. If it hasn't, then Hey! that's cool I guess. Without further notice, let us hop into it: Clan whitelisting.

    We all know how it goes before each and every individual war- Members leave, and then come back after the war. The problem is, they now have to be repermed if members of a certain rank/status in that clan. Lets say that a random person goes out for indy, and then returns. It is quite annoying for someone to have to manually return his "permissions" back, and that figure may not even get it back if the proper person is not around to restore that players permissions, for a while that is. A whitelist should be added in a clan that the owner can set, where if/when a certain member joins, the instant they join they automatically have that role. This makes it very easy on clan owners/higher ranks as they do not have to manually input permissions for players. For example, lets say that Player A is a Captain or some random rank in a clan. He leaves for indy war, and comes back. Instead of having to ask a higher up to manually input ranks, they would instantly have the Captain rank upon joining back if in the "whitelist". This whitelist could also apply to clans as a whole involving joining (basically players on the whitelist wouldn't have to apply to join, would just be instant join).

    tl;dr- Add a whitelist that insantly gives players certain roles when they join so these perms do not need to be manually inputted.

    Once again, I apologize if this idea has been stated it before, but it has come to my attention that this may be annoying certain people and may offer a nice convenience to many clans.
  2. Support (Unbiased)
  3. It has been mentioned before, yes. :)
    But so has a great many things, and will continue too.

    But that doesnt deter from the fact that your 'WhiteList' is still a good idea.

    Support :)
  4. Support. However, I think it should be done manually on a person to person basis, and ONLY by Warlord.
  5. Also add in anyone in the white list gets auto accepted. What with neither captain nor knight having the ability to accept members, this would be a good thing for many clans.