Personal Responsibility 101

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _-a_wolf_named_Owl-_, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. Ok. This will offend some (or many), but it needs said- quit blaming the world (and kaw) for your (and mine) issues.

    Everyone seems to be stuck in the "blame game". I understand their are legitimate circumstances that Yes, what happened to you or them was outside your/their control. However, ultimately, it always comes full circle. As cliché as this is, "every person you point a finger at in blame, you have 3 fingers pointing back at you." < Truth.

    Now understand plz, this is every bit as directed at myself, as it is you all. I'm simply pointing out that no matter How much u blame others or happenings for your difficulties, you simply cannot change them.

    But, here's the kicker- You can change you. Good luck trying to change the world lol: expect many headaches, a large helping of "stressed out", and a clear lacking of any possibility for change.

    So, we bring it back to self. Can I change the fact that others may or may not hate me? Iffy at best, but Im still leaning towards, No. I can change me- my reactions, my temper, my willingness to show people I do care, my understanding of why they may or may not hate me.

    If we deny our part in life, we are rejecting Self. Change canNot occur when in denial- and gd luck making others change lmao.

    Simple but difficult. If I wish for change, I >must< own my part. Change sucks! flatout, no icing on this cake. But the world isnt the cause of all my issues. I have my part of any and all happenings.

    We all dislike being wrong. but until we admit that we are, the "world" will always be perceived as your tormenter. Practice isnt always about finding a way out of life's storms to find peace... nay, we have grown when we can obtain peace in the midst of these storms.

    "Living is easy with eyes closed... Misunderstanding all you see"
    -John Lennon, Strawberry Fields Forever

    "The world is our mirror, every person our teacher."

    "If we could kick the person's butt who is responsible for all our issues, we wouldn't be able to sit for a month"
    - Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

  2. Someone stripped you or something??

    "Only such fools
    Only such jealous hearts

    Only through love changes come"

  3. first you need to admit you are a pervy woman basher then you need to repent and apologize. only after that will I even consider reading anything you have to say!
  4. Dont worry rogue, u constant harassment does not go unnoticed. Now everyone gets to see much a dick you are

  5. ~ I like ur quote. And as far as being stripped lol, nay. I stripped myself becuz of asses like Rogue there.
  6. "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person."

    Somerset Maugham
  7. "Who really gives a f*%#"

    Angryfred1138 2017
  8. You need to learn how to point at people.
    It's with all four fingers together and the thumb folded in, also pointed at target.
  9. Aye Eden, that's a very gd perspective. We've got to set the Microscope down, and find a bigger understanding.

    Great quote!
  10. Aye Dylacer, come again? I havent a clue wut your saying there. The "fingers pointing back at u" is a saying, that fits this topic well.

    If you wanna waste time and effort on miniscule things as dissecting that quote... By all means. this is a fine example of how prone we are to finding one lil thing, and poof, they forget the rest of the topic lol.
  11. Im saying, if someone deserves the blame, don't hold back, hold them accountable, just like you should do to yourself
    But most of all, don't stress about things you don't have control over, life is too short.

    Not totally sure of the nature of your thought, watching for clairity
  12. When it becomes more difficult to suffer than change, then you will change.
  13. Wolf for forum ban 2k17, tired of this morons ramblings, where is the mod to tell him to stop cluttering things up with thread after stupid thread? Wolf pick one of your stupid threads and just continue rambling there please, no need for a new thread every day or two.
  14. Another great thread and message from Wolf. The only one who should be banned from forums is you semzz.
  15. Cant stop crying,this change my life.i will be good from now on
  16. Please tell us more Roni, why should I be banned from forums? Everyone listen up, she makes up some of the best kaw fiction around. ;)
  17. You mad bro? :lol: #WolfForForumMod
  18. your ignorance is showing semzz e.e...might wanna get that looked at.

    Clearly the few who cant comprehend these insights and understandings, would say it's crap- You're welcome to your self-delusions. But get out of the way of the intellects semzz, not everyone wants to remain as ignorant u.

    @Mad Hatter

    that's a very accurate statement! so true. hopefully tho as we progress in life, we wont need to suffer as much lol
  19. ***Ahh, now I see where u were going with that...

    Aye that is essentially the topic at hand. Im simply trying to get people to understand, the world isnt causing their issues... its them self. A loyt of things we have no control of, but to point fingers accusing, blaming others, u have officially lost any means to change.

    Change occurs when we obtain a unique honesty, starting with our self. Is it enjoyable to see that those self-delusions of righteousness we all have inside of us dont exist? No. It hurts. But pointing my finger at "you", keeps the focus off "me"... and without owning our mistakes, u will never know what needs changing