Love it or hate kaw for what ever reason.But nobody can deny how it has a knack of bringing people together . Some like flaunting this union while some just keep it on the down low. 1= Redstar & Cella , 2= Drastic & Steller kryptic. 3= PoppaBear & MommaBear . i'll never forget this couple's flirtatious displays of affection for each other it was so sweet - 4= Vamperous & Froggie. Since then Vamperous has notched up a few more kaw babes -: one being LavishRose but sadly was only to break his heart when she moved on to V.K Fireball . Drastic and Stellar Cryptic were kaws romeo and Juliet . it was a sad day when Drastic of Zaft Destiny retired from kaw after a big strip on him. 5 = Deni & Wordmaster and Deni & Jenni. 6= Eric Northman and Melissa . 7= BarbieFoundTheWhiskey & KingLeonarda-TS . 8= Hotty and Renegade 9= Tweety and Wythern, 10= -Imf- & Ambero .11= The love triangle of Lanie & Ty + Onesy 12 = LadyDragonfly-TS and DragonOfDarkness of D.K.O.D and LadyDragonfly-TS and LordKharon if death inc, 13 = xxxBatdogxxx and HadesWife. 14= iProphet & Jayde. 15=JenniferRabbit & RagingRabbit-MaChiNe , 16= Mr & Mrs Barcode . 17 = Becky420-SE and Nelsonator-SE. 18= Crystalee of Hit Squad & Preditor 19= Lioness-SE and Trogloyte-SE. 20= Wattz & purpleeyelashh
Only heard of one of these "famous" relationships .....I could easy list 10 couples I personally know and put red n cellar at no.1 and it would be the same as this thread
Wow this is low effort. and should have their permission first. quit bringing hades in to stuff. And in what world are Jayde and prophet at the bottom? They freaking live together in rl.
ohh yeah i forgot 17= lady in handcuffs & VH1 Si lol . i will do what i want i dont ask for permission from anyone.But glad i brought you too life handcuffs. i never forget the hissyfits you used to have in Biscuit 3rd party app room !!
and low effort is more than you do. Least i try to create threads and dont live in hte clans . You should check out my iprophet thread from last year . That was a major success. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=180231
Ummm.... I have never been in any room Mr biscuit ran nor have I thrown hissy fits. Also if you 'remember' me you'd notice this account doesn't say police hand cuffs. It's really depressing to see you're still slithering around this game. BTW huge forum success period is long gone. You're a keyboard warrior that likes to start crap. So yah I'm good no need to get back in to 'forums'
Yeah , you right kita banana i am just attention seeking !! Mmmm Batdog you're mine
Sure you havent . i was in e.e in vr1 when i saw your lovers tiff with si .How embarressing for everyone to witness !
What a great topic, Roni. I really enjoyed reading this. Honestly. I had no idea that there have been so many couples that met in Kaw. Thanks for mentioning bat and I. What a sweet gesture you have made to all that you mentioned by making such a wonderful forum thread. Cheers.
Yes your right handcuffs i am only a keyboard warrior. i have never been in osws or pvp. But least i am loyal to my clan . All ex 46 & 2 members are now in Taka clan . A loyal clan member would go use seals in Taka for the good and prosperity of the clan .But you just think of yourself and hte clan is your new home.