Recycle old equipment

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by G0LD-MAK3R, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. I think we should be able to recycle old equipment to get some of the aqua and inferno we invested into the now useless equipment to us. The reason im suggesting this is because I think alot of players would like to see this happen because who doesnt need more aqua or inferno ;)
  2. Not sure wat to say…(^…^)
  3. Support. There should be some system of trading in equipment for inferno, aqua, mith, etc. that would also give more incentive to people to do ebs like FOD again when they already have equipment for it but it's not strong enough for them to use.
  4. Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. Close the loop.
  5. Support
  6. Sustainability is important and should be implemented into KaW.

    Even though KaW is basically an application and the server/s it runs on aren't so energy hungry (I'm sure) I feel KaW could really use a step in the right direction...

    This being environmentally friendly.

    I have many suggestions that could further KaW's sustainability goals.

    1.Create a food compost area as it can be beneficial towards your plants and you'll be able to create somewhat organic soil.

    2.Call a plumber and have them look at all the faucets to check for unnecessary leakage and have them repaired.

    3.Encourage natural lighting as this will not only let in some much needed vitamin c (or whatever) but also reduce electricity spending should your next bill come in.

    4.I hate sustainability.

    No troppus
  7. One hamburger patty takes 660 gallons of water to produce. Don't call a plumber just stop eating beef and other meat.
  8. No meat??? Have you gone mad???
  9. I like the idea, it would need a little thought , but essentially a little like destroying a building get a % back (say 60% of cost) which no doubt would used to upgrade the newer equipment. But tbh the only equipment that stays useful is the % tied equipment like Sword
  10. Building something is bad enough but demolishing it is far worse for the environment...

    Unless you plan to reinvigorate the land with flora and fauna.

    I say don't bother.

    You are all harmful towards the environment...

    Boi, if captain planet were here.

  11. Recycling would be nice but reimbursement would be kinda low maybe a user black market would be nice where we can sale to system for a price of we can post items for sale at a fair market value an or over priced whatever the case may be

  12. this has been suggested before, the problem here is that it makes transfering gold [or way too overpowered equipment] from one account to the other too easy without any loss or risk. with allies it at leasts costs one account 40 percent of the final hire value, this way it would cost nothing.
  13. Support! Had the same Idea :D I could need that Aqua and Inferno so Bad ;D