Quoting myself was an accident. Your harsh attitude is repugnant, Omar. However, if that's the case I'm happy to admit that I'm wrong. Adults can do that.
The only rumour is the Chinese whispers everyone keeps saying. People assumed that there's gonna be a shark eb because it's underwater. Devs and mods haven't said anything just eb fairies dreaming up of a none existent eb.
It is? Someone delete this thread. Burn it and put the ashes in a box and throw the box into the Yellowstone volcano, the hit the volcano with a 30 mega-ton nuclear bomb. The devs cannot read this.
Fine you wanna be humoured? I've already done a ata shark event, 2 of them on the same game, and I got myself 2 shark avatars and a shark monster. I find this humorous because you didn't get sharks and I did
Oompa Loompas- Billy Bonka needs slaves to work his coco plantation. Equipment- Oompa Loompa spear. Bed Bugs- You have bed bugs, and you don't want to spend money on the exterminator, so you send huge armies to shove swords in your bed at random. Equipment- Container of bed bug poison. Buddha- You want to reach nirvana, so you have to fight Buddha to get to nirvana. Equipment- Buddha statue.