
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -BCK-_Donald_Trump_-BCK-, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Hello, so I just have a thought. Devs should make a way for us to have an avatar that people would see when they click on our account. Any equipment we have equipped would show up on the avatar. Perhaps our avatar could be in front of whatever banner our kingdom has up.

    Just a thought.
  2. Is that like the equipment page where you can see all the equipment equipped and your banner etc
  3. I think his idea was more for the aesthetic.
  4. Cool idea, I can support
  5. Stupid idea
  6. Was thinking of this awhile ago. Even a 2D model would work! How hard could it be to illustrate every piece of equipment & apply it to a model so we can actually see how stupid we look with all this mismatched gear on? Would probably be pretty simple to add a scrollable screen adjacent to our equipment screen.

    Food for thought.
  7. Straight from pimd
  8. I mean, it would be very cool but it won't happen. Devs are spread pretty thin right now as it is.