New Lands; Vote Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. ^ I read that as him wanting to post an update on new lands not releasing them.(hopefully to discontinue them forever! A Rusted Knight can dream That and the next update will probably be building tokens.

    Mark do you have the time now to explain your views on why building and lands help the gaming experience of Kaw?

    I will have disagreements regardless, though I plan on using my opinion in a way to suggest alternative routes. Rather you listen to them or not, or agree with them or not is regardless. Those ideas will also get their own thread and be posted after the update because I actually want to take my time to construct them.
  2. In WC I meant an update to the wishlist thread about new lands. Not that we would release new lands.

    Rusty you will have to wait and see. I appreciate your apparent change to a more balanced approach but you will have to wait.
  3. I was asking for an opinion not the update. but if the update has the opinion in it, than I can't wait.

    And I feel my approach has always been balanced. Just the translation of text and tone was misinterpreted because I was arguing against an idea with my beliefs on what was wrong with the game without using humor.

    I can be harsh and say things bluntly though so I will attempt to work on that.
  4. No new land !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. To those saying yes.
    I have queried the hat type of builds you want with little response.
    So the most basic question has to be. Beyond growing what do you want from new lands. What aside from what you do now, will you do with them?
    And what is your endgame?
    Is there any combination of build options you would favour and any enhancements you could envision.

    I'm not being rude. It's simply at the moment tactics don't change at all with new lands.
    Is there a way to change the tactics and focus to make new lands more desirable for all to chase.

    Alternative build thread has a few basic ideas. But not much input.
    And to devs. Are there any ideas you have seen that have peaked your interest?
    I.e. Mage enhancement builds or a Land set with destructible buildings ?
  6. In May! May is a month away, mid May a month and a half. That is far too soon!

    In fact I can move all of my maybe suggestions that were time base to the no section best off of this information alone.

    I made this thread assuming new lands won't be here until September around the anniversary or in November around Black Friday, but in May?

    If the lands are happening regardless of what over 80% of the community has to say about it at least you could delay it for a full year.

    The hit ranges are already too wide. When I say this I mean that in clan OSW wars, a full clan can't fight another clan from top to bitten because to many players are DTS and DTW off of stats alone. Gold is too easily attainable because of the cost of land and the plunder bonus from builds.

    You force pvp players to grow and hit ebs, which is boring to most of us so to stay competitive and before any mid range player can even compete new lands come out. You are systematically removing the war element after each update and it is frustrating.

    I get that you want money and that you hope that building tokens will save you, but the mid range players are broken up into too many compartments to keep OSW alive. EE players have to constantly bank to EE so the added cost for land and builds discourages them from doing EE so they can grow to keep up with the game. And there are even eb players who are tired of it.

    The issue with land and builds just isn't the cost and time, it's the divide and the devastation of clan wars both on and off system and with lands coming out in only a month in a half is horrible news.

    I say this, not out of malice or ill intent. This is not just based on my opinion but the opinion of those I know to include moderators of this game. This isn't me bashing you, this is me attempting to show you that it is an unwanted addition to the game and to give you valid reasons as to why in hopes you end the endless addition of land and builds on kingdoms. It is forcing the game to be one dimensional, focusing only on growth an ebs, because if anyone does anything else they will fall behind.

    I remember when I was in Foxes and the tell tell sign of OSW was the clan would start failing EBs. They used them only to blow off troops when catching a trip or to unload troops for spy heavy accounts. Then they would hit targets from top to bottom and it was fun. Now if that happens it would be clan suicide because the other side would chose to fight this new style. A style where you hit between events, throw some incoming to the top eb runner and save to make a useless strip.

    I tried asking for your side of how lands help the game play and the question was refused to be answer. I can think of multiple reason of how lands and builds hurts. And not just new players, but mids. For OSW players, EE players, and EB players. Even most of the yes votes are so y'all make money, not for gameplay.

    But there are more routes you can go for gold Sinks and real money sinks. Clan updates, introduce a new aspect of the game, maybe. Though the current route and direction will further hurt the game because of the added stats and gold that will come into the game. Even if new lands have no plunder boost the added stats will make the game less dynamic. Because currently a big issue is Kaw is the fact that you have to grow to compete and when you can compete you can't compete with many. That won't be fixed with new lands and builds.
  7. This thread is solely dedicated to the vote of new lands or not so it is appropriate here as well. I am within the TOU and the subject content to bring the discussion to this thread so that players make the best vote as possible relevant to their style of gaming.
  8. You are correct about the TOU. But I won't be discussing the topic any longer on this thread. Thank you.
  9. Yall need to release two sets of lands

    Release one set of lands. People stop playing. Don't release lands, people stop spending

    Release two sets of lands, the first offering Stats Like HF (in regards to CS/billion cost)
    Make unlocking the lands very very expensive. This acts as a buffer/gold sink and keeps people worried about catching up time to catch up.

    The second set of lands will be the "Treasure".

    The land cost would be significantly less as the previous land set, but the cost of ugrades and buildings would be much greater than the previous land set (1)
    Then again this land would provide very good stats and good plunder.

    Everyone is happy.
  10. I can understand that as long as you continue the discussion on Charlie's thread.
  11. Don't bring out new Lands even if we all know you will just to please the lb players and to make yourselves richer as you couldn't care less about most players unless them spending on this game or thats the impression I get
  12. List Updated up to here.
  13. No new lands
  14. Yes,why not another aspect to try for.