ATA fires ATA_Mario

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by OkieDokie, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. I think Adonis got him fired when he called mario out on incorrect stat numbers for new levels

    Remember how he was on "vacation" and couldn't respond to Adonis' post
  3. Good thing this event as a way for you to get Aqua with that burn I just have you! 
  4. I have no clue what happened but I feel kind of bad for Mario. Vanished..
  5. Mei is so funny. 
  6. I agree. I like feisty mods.
  7. We don't really get into specifics on this kind of thing, but I can say that Mario hasn't been with ATA for a few months now.

    He was a great coworker to have and it was a real pleasure getting to work with him. For all of us at ATA, it feels more like we're working with friends and family rather than simply coworkers. It's sad to see people leave, but we wish him the best and hope to cross paths again in this chaotic world that is life :)
  8. Good riddance.
    He never helped anyway. Some support lol
  9. Rusty you savage  that whole exchange had me laughing hard good stuff bro.
  10. I think Mario's mom just kicked him outta the basement finally
  11. I wonder if he has a normal account now.
  12. Taking down his former employers from within that is a juicy conspiracy theory
  13. I made a thread about this as it happened
  14. what?
  15. Mario went back to Nintendo for the new switch. I think we should wish him well.

    Jk ofc good luck to Mario.
  16. Damn it, they are on to me!! 
  17. Doubt he was fired. If ata fired there employees for incompetence Charlie would have gone ages ago
  18. Rip to ATA Ruby also. </3